
You know, when people are asked "if you had a timemachine, what would you do?", the replies are often "i want to see jesus, i want to stop hitler, see my parents when they were kids, tell my younger self the lottery numbers, buy stocks, etc. etc."

Please marry me Gearbox.

I think i just blasted my eardrums to bits.

I used to work at an EB Games store for a year, and believe it or not, games like this actually sold. I remember laughing at those "games" when i first started "does this stuff even sell?" Well, i was indeed proven wrong.

Monthly subscription

Im not reading your posts because i l-l-like them or anything, BAKA!

Well, yeah i know that. Its actually incredible how big the difference his between his posts and the others. Its even more amazing that he still has the job.

Remember when you could buy a console, and play any game you OWNED whenever you wanted to?

Why an ipad app? WHY!? A cheap way of making money if you ask me.

"He used it to court Macaulay Culkin."

Apple, hear me out,

I find it incredible they are even going to call it Prey 2 considering it has ZERO relation with the first game. So the protag was onboard a plane from the beginning of the first game, big deal, as it has no influence on the overall story of prey 2 anyway.

Me and my little brother had a handful of Tiger lcd games. Man i loved them! They could entertain me for hours when going on vacation. My favorite was the Terminator one.

Its no use, you can say whatever you want and they wont change the headline or tone of the article. Gawker has turned into a tabloid, and a tabloid headline is what this is.

Its funny how Valve delivers a network platform far superior to what the PS3 has to offer, for a single game.

GARGH! That cross-site linking is really starting to p*ss me off. At least put a little "jalopnik" sign or something in the link, sheesh.

Yeah would have been great except for this footnote:

Nothing a tiny mod cant do!

Games with murder, guns, stabbing and slicing throats: OK!

Welcome to Gawker anno 2011. Its getting more annoying by the day.