
You think it’s tough hauling them around, you oughta be a bird or a bat that gets chopped to death by these tax sink holes.

Dead serious. I like Mr. Johnson. Car guy big time. I instantly change the station when I hear one of... I mean their one song.

The new battery is always just around the corner.

Being a Hawk fan is no excuse to like AC DC.

You can tell the difference? I can only pick out “It’s a long way to the top” because of the bag pipes. Otherwise they all sound exactly the same.

After all he had already done, who would leave him at home to care for your 4 year old while you facilitate monetary exchanges to the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation for political favors?!

Of course they are. Crash standards are one thing, though. I just don't like mandated airbags.

I personally don’t like having explosive devices surrounding me in a car. Sorry, I just don’t. I really don’t like that I can’t choose not to.

They don’t even pick your pocket by hand. They leave that to the government.

On the positive side, at least he isn’t shaking down every Tom, Dick and Harry (even heads of state that treat women, gays and Christians like slaves or target practice) for donations with political favors at the expense of the whole country.

Since the post was meant to provoke... I’m glad you found the perfect car for yourself. What are the P and N for anyway? Pussy and Neutered?

Car Ratings: One thing that helps these ratings is that people (especially younger people in my experience) are used to electronics not working. I talk to people everyday who “love their new phone” and then tell me how this feature and that feature don’t work at all or as well as their old one did. People want a new

TECHNOLOGY: Making it possible for talentless people who are too lazy to learn things to drive.

Right, it’s perpendicular to line of sight not parallel.

Can’t go through your whole life afraid of every little thing. Live a little.

The skinny pillars on old cars are wonderful.


The lot I have to park on has no power close by. Just the way it is.

I have the only car I desperately want.

Thanks. Good info. There just isn’t power available at work to plug into.