
I don't normally comment on Jez articles but I find this subject endlessly fascinating. We biologists call this size assortative mating and lots of animals do this. Females of these species statistically pair not necessarily with the largest males in general but with males of equal or greater size to her (the

I have similar views, but I think the time span between being past peak production where many countries are now, and when the personal automobile will become a niche product (or a true luxury for the majority of people) is going to be measured in many, many decades. At least 40 years here in the US, probably more.

Oh god this is so amazing *faints*

I feel like I might be the only person that thought John carter was actually kind of a good movie. It deserved much better marketing than it got though.

I thought the same thing when I saw the pic. Somebody didn't think that one through.

One (as in just you). Also happens to be the maximum.

WRONG! You can preserve a snowflake permanently, or at least the 3 dimensional shape of one using superglue sandwiched between 2 pre-chilled microscope slides. I blew about 20 bucks worth of glass and glue (mostly on the glue) to get just 4 slides with decent flakes on them and only one of them had a couple of

Neurons in the cerebral cortex and some other specific cell types are with us for our entire life, so not literally all our cells are renewed every 7 years. Not to mention that is only an average.

I kid you not, I had a high school teacher that drove a Maserati Gran Tourismo. He also had some weird German car with tandem seating, maybe a Messerschmitt KR-200? See he owned a company that built parts for Ford. Ford bought the company out so he decided to go back to school to be a teacher but he was rolling in

How long did it take you to come up with that one?

Yeah one or two is excusable but this looks like it was written by a six year old or on an iPhone with terrible auto-correct.

So according to this map Massachusetts is the 'funnest' state in the country followed by Nevada? Those are the only two states I see with no red.

Wholly no fucking way! Shez gonna be like a buzillionare cuz this shit is totally for real dude! There is even like real maths n' stuff that proves it! DUDE SHE APPLIED FOR A PATENT! That TOTALLY means this is the real shit! I can't wait, I am so gonna buy a house on mars.

Um... I learned that in public high school and I graduated less than ten years ago. Most people just don't listen or remember (and quite frankly I don't know that the lost colony is particularly relevant to daily life anyway). Still I know where you are coming from with your comment. I don't know that it is

Platypus bottles have been around since I was a cubscout, so I think that was long before even vapur because that was back in the 90's and they were old even back then. They also have insulated bottles (or thin collapsible pouches at least to go around the bottles). They weren't silicon though either.

Just curious but do they still use helium in the blimps? (I dunno what else they would use, not hydrogen obviously). I was under the impression that helium was getting incredibly scarce.

I was thinking the same thing, glad somebody else saw that.

I agree, good analysis.

I never took psychologists very seriously anyway.