
Me, too, and I have 10.2.1, and I still have random shutdowns. Sigh...

Didn’t know Trump University offered courses in public relations.

One time my E60 went dead while driving. I called AAA and the guy came out and gave me a jump. He tested the battery and said it looked okay but it was the original and I might want to replace it in the near future. I asked him what he would charge to sell and install a battery. His face got that, “You’re not going to

Anker 4-port charger. Foldable plug (great for travel), small size, 2.4 amps per port, Anker quality, LED flashes green for charging or blue for finished charging.

Anker 4-port charger. Foldable plug (great for travel), small size, 2.4 amps per port, Anker quality, LED flashes

True; I’m not arguing the Kings had no leverage, just weaker leverage.

“The Kings simply decided that they no longer wanted to let Cousins’ volatility dictate the culture of the locker room, league sources said.”

‘57 Vette. Closest I think we ever came to the beauty of the Italian roadsters or the BMW 507, and beautiful from any angle. (And ’57 over ‘56 because more HP.)

Pretty much. Wider tires tend to float more on the snow. According to Tire Rack, “Unfortunately wide, low profile tires have to ‘plow’ a wide path through deep snow, where narrower tires have an easier time. So if you’re likely to drive through deep snow this year, you’ll want winter/snow tires and wheels in sizes

I think that may describe the “Nationalists” described in the article, but not the “Exasperated.” Obama carried many of the districts that Trump won.

All the time. Take the travel ban EO. As the courts continue to rule against him, he accuses the courts of endangering the nation—and the courts (a/k/a one-third of our government) lose legitimacy in the eyes of his public. If instead the courts rule in his favor, his public will assume the courts were intimidated by

Favorite Hot Wheels car of the 1970s.

“So overrated!”

It’s working very poorly on my iPad. Cut off screens, misaligned buttons,’s an Alfa!

I loved the 1st gen A5 four-door, and I think I’ll love the 2d gen, too. So glad they’re coming to the USA.

I’ve heard from commercial drivers that the cabover design isn’t much loved by drivers because any bumps in the road are felt right by the driver, whereas in an engine forward model the bumps are at least somewhat mitigated by the frame being suspended between the axles.

I’m not a Miata fanboi, but I think the car looks pretty damn cool, right out of the great California hot rod tradition.

A star just for your name.

Don’t forget war with Australia! lol

And, meanwhile, China feints towards Taiwan, and/or Russia feints towards the Baltics. We’d be in a difficult situation to say the least.