A couple of nights ago I saw a particularly nice-looking car but couldn’t make it out. I got a little closer and saw it was an S90. Too big for my needs, but Volvo has come a looong way from its 70s and 80s boxes.
A couple of nights ago I saw a particularly nice-looking car but couldn’t make it out. I got a little closer and saw it was an S90. Too big for my needs, but Volvo has come a looong way from its 70s and 80s boxes.
Hey! That’s Der Leader! Got that, bub? None of this commie crap!
Agreed. If you miss even one little speck, particularly if it’s near a heat vent, it will smell as bad as a whole bucketful.
Like you, I was a “butter in the fridge” guy. Then I left it out, and I’ve never gone back. Wait—you mean I can actually get the butter to spread on a grilled cheese sandwich without carving up the bread? And it melts on toast? Start with one cube, cover it well, and your life will change.
Looks like the Sonata seat is using the trim to help bolster the seat cushion, not just cover the seat controls. I.e., a cheap seat.
I always thought the 1st gen Cayenne looked like a Chrysler taking a dump, but I did have a chance to drive one for a weekend. It instantly went to the top of my “If I could only have one car to roadtrip the entire U.S. of A.” list. It cornered really well, even more so when considering its weight and higher CG. When…
It’s indirect, but it’s a start: BoycottTrump by Nathan Lerner
I’ve only been to Fayetteville and surrounds, but the whole Ozarks region of Arkansas seems very nice. Don’t know if that’s where you live, but on the whole I’d say Arkansas is underrated. Enjoy your life (sounds like you are)!
I don’t know how I made it through school not knowing how math works. Silly me. I thought that, if you have five voters, and two vote for Hillary, two vote for Trump, and one protest votes for Stein, the fifth vote for Stein has the same effect as splitting the vote between Hillary and Trump. I.e., nothing.
Just an example. I don’t think Hillary is as policy-bad as Trump, nor as morally evil. So, pick whatever imagery you want (or no analog at all); it doesn’t change my point (as I’m sure you know).
So the people who didn’t vote for either in effect cast 1/2 vote for the baby-killer. Yes, next election we’ll try for a better candidate, but that doesn’t let the 1/2 baby-killer voters off the hook for their protest vote in the 2016 election. And nobody “wants” a candy-stealer, btw. What they don’t want is the…
“Deserves” is a loaded word. Life doesn’t guarantee us anything. If I have a choice between the candidate who steals candy from a baby, and one who kills babies, I’ll vote for the candy-stealer (and thereby voting against the baby-killer), then try to support a better person in the next election. But a protest vote…
“Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.”
And so, so beautiful.
You are absolutely correct, General. Here’s a source for this: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB162/72.pdf
I am totally not surprised. It was an awesome workhorse. Never worried I’d be stranded somewhere. It was like the pre-1974 Volvo B20, only better.
Trump uses the same type of lens for pictures of his hands.
Trump calling for an investigation into “voting fraud” is like Henry wanting to show computers to the mark in “The Grifters”: Although there’s no fraud, The Donald knows you just have to “belieive” strongly enough, and the marks citizens will believe right along with you.
Sorry-meant the 22R. I don’t have any experience with the GM product. But if it’s built like the 3800 pushrod, I’m not surprised to hear it’s reliable, too.
That 4 cyl engine just could not be killed.