
And stop smoking. It will kill you to death.

“We’ve never had all 53 players on our punt team before!”

It’s worse: Marvin Demoff (agent) is Kevin Demoff’s (Ram’s EVP) father.

I borrowed one once for a long weekend. It instantly went to the top of my list for “Best Roadtrip Car.” It was pretty fuckin’ A.

I get the snow tires angle. But some folks don’t own garages, and don’t want the hassle of storage and changing them for a small snowfall.

Totally agree. It is plainly bizarre that, “Jason Kidd [has] deputiz[ed 7’0”] Antetokounmpo to run the point...,” and yet Giannis looks like a 6'3" guard out there. Lots of fun to watch.

Stef, if the court issued an attachment order, it certainly doesn’t think the case is frivolous, though HScott may wish otherwise. I’d bet my money HScott is screwed.

Klutz’s suggestions:

Vise. Just sayin’.

The Nazis were monsters of history, and because of this they started World War II. As part of their prosecution of the war, they bombed Bristol. Seems like a correct sentence to me.

And the location of the A pillars is bad, too, usually at about 45 deg., perfectly situated to block your view of a pedestrian or bicyclist.

Hyundai XG300. The one with the fake Jaguar grill. A complete dud as a near-luxury car (yes, that’s how it was marketed). A Ford Contour was superior in every way. Saw it had a V6. It was the wimpiest V6 known to humankind. No acceleration (sorely needed for the mean streets of Atlanta). Brakes felt like you were

Even hydraulic would be a big improvement. We have two cars, one with hydraulic, one with electric. Wih the hydraulic rack my hands feel the wheel moving into and out of every pothole, bump, or weird imperfection in the road. In the electric: nada, no connection, zip.

I don’t think (all) conservatives hate the environment. My only point is that in evaluating the cost/benefit of regulations, the externalities are often overlooked. I’m more than willing to bet that there are regulations that are too complex, or are pointless, or result from a failure of imagination to create a market

And leave externalities (pollution, consumer safety, health, etc.) for the rest of us to pay for several years to come.

Agree. The $8 I spent on the stupid tax I might have spent with a local merchant. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Little-known fact is that everything east of the San Andreas fault will slide into the Atlantic.


Thanks, Obama!

Translation: “We’ve used this dumb policy for so long, we will now try to peddle it as a hoary tradition.”