Raphael, at the end of the article you describe this as a new wrinkle in Dieselgate, but does this affect only diesels, gas, or both engines? Thanks
Raphael, at the end of the article you describe this as a new wrinkle in Dieselgate, but does this affect only diesels, gas, or both engines? Thanks
What confuses me is that the article you linked to about Russian disinformation campaigns seems relatively coherent. The author of it, though, seems to have some bad personal demons, as well as a felt need to puff up his biography. I don’t know what he does about the former, but the latter seems like a self-inflicted…
Why do I hear Jim McKay’s voice inside my head?
The only (more or less mainstream brand) cars I can think of that might hold up okay would be a 70s Mercedes or 70s Volvo.
I just lost my lunch.
Yes, a thousand times yes! I see this dumbass excuse over and over, and smh.
You sign the envelope, not the ballot itself. Ballot remians secret.
[tried to delete my response because someone already made my point]
Also, a riled-up witness may not testify well.
You act like the WTC was attacked by terrorists before 9/11.
It’s an S, not an E. Don’t feel too bad.
I thought it was just me: “No, Jim Nantz didn’t really say that, did he?”
I love columns like this. I’d like to see a series of columns on other great WTF examples of “value engineering” in modern cars. Great work, Tyler.
And doesn’t the woman have that “I can’t believe what my douchebag significant other just did” look?
Or the always classic Karl Rove “feelings” takedown:
A star for your name! One of the great unsung quarterbacks.
The Hundred Years War lasted about 116 years. Among historians, it’s a little bit of a joke: The Hundred Years War lasted more than 100 years (unlike the Thirty Years’ War and the Seven Years’ War, which lasted 30 and 7 years, respectively). Vin Scully is a learned man. Or at least more learned than you.
I have the S-tronic DSG and it also has a perceptible throttle lag. I don’t know if it is the fault of the transmission, but it is annoying.
+1 for Edgar!