And the tone of the response-so Volkswagenesque: Oh, sorry; didn’t know lying wasn’t okay. Here’s Preller:
And the tone of the response-so Volkswagenesque: Oh, sorry; didn’t know lying wasn’t okay. Here’s Preller:
Wow-didn’t realize Juke sales had fallen so low. And look at the Soul—no. 6! Be great if Kia added AWD to the Soul, but then they might fear cannabalizing sales of their Sportage.
Just for hot takes.
Except Steve Young was just little bit better quarterback than Dilfer.
Thanks, Obama!
Do try to get a very socialized, very sociable, not-fraidy cat. 5-year-olds aren’t much into the whole aloof cat thing.
Word. On his two round-the-world flights, Wiley Post pretty much avoided the Pacific altogether and flew from Russia to Alaska.
Point well taken.
In order to commit fraud under federal criminal law, one has to intend to defraud. If he pleaded guilty, it means he’s admitting that he knew that the software he developed was intended to be used to cheat on the regulations.
I disagree. Most fans I knew were pissed off about it, and forums were filled with complaints. Even “Fail Mary” fans agreed the officiating was terrible.
I never understood how the vets didn’t realize that if you make it cheaper to have rookies, you’ll have more rookies.
It’s not the CBA, unless you mean the part where the owners forced the players to stop the owners from hurtng themselves by putting in place the salary cap. Yes, if you make rookie players cheaper, you’ll get more rookies. But take away the cap and this “problem” goes away, too.
Soviet SAMs killed the B-70.
Also, getting a Ph.D. is almost mandatory to succeed in large business in Germany—sort of like an MBA here.…
Gulp! When I saw mxer’s photo, I thought no one would get near the top of that ramp. Boy was I wrong.... And hey everyone—your tax dollars at work.
I think his situation is also some evidence for having an NFL developmental league. Worse case scenario, you send him down to the minors, where he can solve his problem (or not) away from the galre of publicity.
Jalopnik has always been a strong believer in rule by the hip.