
Nice feature as usual, Jason, but... no mention of Ledwinka?

Allegedly, the first time Giugiaro saw the car at some show or another he had a look at the swage on the bodywork, shook his head, circled slowly around the car and suddenly screamed “Christ, they’ve done that to the other side as well!”

I don’t think Airbus wants that; the British government certainly doesn’t want that either.

Good point about the Super Guppy. I don’t care so much about the Airbus-Boeing joke – which is fine – but the fascinating story of John Conroy, the Pregnant Guppy and its derivatives, Aero Spacelines and NASA deserves to be told.

Just looked at the trailer now (funny, I had completely forgotten about Ms Bergen’s Dino) and there were a couple of S-Types in the chase inserts.

I suggest you start looking right now for a mostly-forgotten flick from the mid-70s: 11 Harrowhouse. There is an interesting scene involving horses, a Ford Transit and... well, a certain car.

Glad you pointed it out.

Back in the day I am not sure many people disagreed with you.

At the time this kind of car was sold there was no need to max it all the time, at all times. The fact (or the promise, if you will) that it was able to go at amazing speeds was enough. Just look at the kind of dross that was normally on the road by then.

Read the article again:

Those were lost for the first time with the Jota, in 1970. Unfortunately the last version SV (1971) did not have them either.

Or even before that if you get a gust of wind in the right (i.e. most unfortunate) angle.

Are those TransAm wheels? They look generic honeycomb race alloys to me - like the BBS that were so popular in the DRM.

Glad you liked it. Thanks, but no I should not! I think I must have seen it in some British car magazine.

I also found strange there were so many Méharis. On the other hand, competitors maybe just got wise to the fact that in a 2CV, Dyane or van you are much better protected against splashes of mud and certainly have a much better chance to avoid being machine-gunned by little stones.

I agree that it is... cheapish. Also a C1 would be a much safer car in the event of an unlucky “off”.

And Dyane 6 racing!

I was wondering about how natural attrition could end up killing it. But I suppose there are still quite a few AX in France, right? They are light and simple and extremely quick.

There are lots of vids in YT, in case you are interested.

I suspect that in the early days there were a few night races, but I find unlikely there were any 24-hour events. Although with the flat- twin Citroën crowd you never know!