Rex Inutilis

Holy shit! That's quite a difference of opinion. I'm surprised they didn't just make Stephen Elliott a break-dancing monkey and be done with it. If you're going to fuck with someone's memoirs to make it more saleable you might as well go full 'Naked Came I' (for all the Bloom County fans). I hope my Dad is the

That's right, Dowd, you have to make this review seem plausible. If you misspell or start giggling then the candle burns the rope which holds the cover on your webcam, revealing to the NSA the 'I Hate Freedom' UV tattoo. Punctuation must be perfect, but if you use a semi-colon more than three times the pigeon with the

So awesome to see a dude like Phil celebrate androgynous vulnerability. Compare that to Henry Rollins' cheap homophobic derision of Morrissey. In the Muscle Head Philosopher (aka The Think Tank) stakes Anselmo is a hundred times more interesting than Rollins' Nietzsche-Lite.

Damn Starwhackers.

I keep looking at that corpse hand in the photo and I wonder if Nikki Six really survived or was just re-animated.

Proving once again that test audiences are the worst. Too bad the same vetting process did not happen for them ('this sperm and egg combo…total art wank, didnt unerstand it at all'). One of the great memories of my childhood was making an audio re-make of this movie and scrunching paper to make the sound of the first