The Hoon Dynasty

But is it better than Another Earth? Never saw it, on account of it looking fucking stupid.

Looks interesting, and there's a few quirky off the beaten path selections too. I hope some of them are District 9 league.

Loved this episode, and how it quietly ties back some things from earlier, like the mysterious helicopter (not a hallucination!), and Rick shooting the bar scouts in the head (which seemed out of place when he shot the already downed second guy in the face, but now makes perfect sense) so he wouldn't have to test

Frank Herbert's Dune says hello...

An Aston, a Ducati, a Lambo, and a shot of NYC by someone who still doesn't know how to shoot pics on a phone... Donald Trump?

Cool story bro

Oh please tell!

This article got me thinking about Transformer reproduction given how long and brutal their wars are. In the original cartoon, the Quintessons created them, but after being forced off Cybertron, new transformers needed to receive a mind from a supercomputer. Thing is, only one Autobot had access to it, so new

This is the first world. We can afford to complain!

No Z? I am disappoint.

Continents! Unite to form DEVASTATOR!

I keep seeing that as "a Chick with a Jewish Nose." Thanks for trying to push my buttons, guys!

Most people don't even have the wherewithal to use turn signals, whywould making the CMDL manual do any good? I say that if the legislators and automakers are gonna bother with that, it'll need visual and EM sensors to automatically (autonomously?) determine that you're distracted and/or your phone is doing things

"He took a duck in the face at 250 knots..."

So does meth.

Looks like I have a reason to read Kotaku again. P.S.: Don't let Joel Johnson hit the door on the way out.

Hey look, a first! A non-Paramount/Dreamworks summer movie trailer with robot farts!

Of course he does! Why would he not want a world that isn't heavily polluted, hasn't gutted the middle class, has created a gulf between rich and poor wider than the Grand Canyon, has replaced conventional governments with mega zaibatsus, and trashed itself with costly wars?

It's a nose ring, because the car is one helluva bull.