I don't think you can go wrong with Skullcandy, especially at TJ Maxx or Marshals-type places. Regular earbuds as low as $7-$8, with mics, about $10-$12. They sound just fine, but I have keen hearing, so YMMV.
I don't think you can go wrong with Skullcandy, especially at TJ Maxx or Marshals-type places. Regular earbuds as low as $7-$8, with mics, about $10-$12. They sound just fine, but I have keen hearing, so YMMV.
Hate the big clumsy fuckers. Whenever I see them, and the way is clear, I downshift and pass them whenever possible, especially if there's a line of them just waiting to take up both lanes.
Just noticed the fuel door moved to the left. The sedan looks nice and still reminds me of my '12 in a good way too. I like the hatch, but I live in a place where crackheads or gangbangers will knock your windows out hoping something valuable's hiding in an old bag of dog food sitting in the back. Don't ask how I know.
Car buyers in Cali have to get new plates to keep the prisoners busy. What did you think the state's gonna do, execute them? ;-)
It's a little stiff and sensitive, but in my plain Jane second-gen 3, it's not a problem except on high speedbumps and rotten, bumpy roads, like one county's stretch of I-40 on my weekend visits to my hometown. Fortunately it's being repaved as I speak.
That's not rust...
Could be
Michael Ironside has been voicing Magnus on TF Prime as of late, sounds good too.
I like the hatch, and I'm happy with my '12 sedan, but if I ever upgrade, I'll stick with sedan, due to security concerns.
In before "dumps like a truck, truck, truck."
I'll throw a few into the pile (and re-mention some prior suggestions):
Mmm, the rich stench of constitutional violation! Gonna go great with tomorrow's turkey.
I don't believe in alien abductions, but the idea still scares the piss out of me even in my early 30s. Fire in the Sky still terrifies me, but this one intrigues me somehow.
I'll settle for nothing less than an alien archive and proof of a jump gate buried in Pluto's moon.
I have a book from the '80s, probably one of the earliest "modern" works on dinosaurs, that is remarkably well-illustrated. I don't recall the name, but I'll see it when I go home this week. Stay tuned.
How big do those wasps get? I think I saw one when I was a kid, and thought it was a giant fire ant. Probably a good two or three inches. The thought of a colony of giant fire ants gave me nightmares for years.