It definitely looked like a "Next Generation" shuttlecraft, just as the show was climbing towards its peak.
It definitely looked like a "Next Generation" shuttlecraft, just as the show was climbing towards its peak.
I like me some GT (can't wait for its own updates and DLC), but holy shit, this sounds good. You guys wanna do a random drawing to unload those 3 or 4 copies you don't need?
Of course I will. It's getting better and better, it's the perfect gap filler to the UK's off season, and it's not like that other show on SPEED is any real competition for, well, anything.
Where's the giganto-version on Facebook? I don't see it.
The infodump in Silent Hill totally ruined it for me, but if it wasn't for that, I would have called it a great game adaptation.
Right. Thanks for clearing that up.
RDM's claim to fame before BSG was TNG, DS9, and a bit of Voyager as both writer and showrunner. Interestingly, if it wasn't for his frustrated stint on Voyager, we wouldn't have the BSG we know today.
This doesn't bode well for the show, but there's a reason I stopped watching once History and BBC-A got their Top Gear on; it just wasn't very good, or at least not worth my taking time out of my busy schedule to watch it alongside Top Gear.
I remember that one. Like.
Whatever it may be, it's hilarious.
"Dogs love trucks!" I love this ad.
So what's the story behind that?
Jezzah always said that Camaro drivers were murderers. Totally justified here.
Not a national one, no, but the legal community has been campaigning for one for at least a few years. We're still state-by-state, which can be an administrative search nightmare, and all it takes for something like what happened here is for the thieves to have a couple dirty friends in the state DMV.
"Once again, the last letter of the alphabet is the last word in sports cars."
Eh, that GT-R will be fine so long as the owner doesn't pass and make right turns...
Have you been watching "The Neverending Story" again?
I'm waiting for the GT-R rocket. It has... launch control.