The Hoon Dynasty

I've heard of your book, it seems awesome, and I will read it one of these days. I'd love to get my ass to Mars, because space travel is one of the two things I'd risk my life doing (the other would be tossing around overpowered cars), but if we visit or settle Mars, how would humans deal with Mars's near total lack

Oh, I've heard. I'll go over there the next time I feel suicidal.

I know fanboyism is still alive and well, but I could swear it used to be a lot worse here a few years ago. I've read Kotaku for 3 years, and way back in '08, you couldn't go a couple minutes without 360 fans bagging on Sony fans ("No gaemez!", "overpriced BD player!", etc.), Sony fans bagging on 360 fans ("RROD!")

I can't say the full-breasted lady assassin could ever hide in plain sight, but there's definitely something to be said about attacks through distraction.

Nothing wrong with that. If it wasn't for the PS controller, Luke would be waxing nostalgic about the SNES controller instead. As far as I'm concerned, it was THE STANDARD before the PlayStation showed up.

Great flashback, Luke, and I'm glad that the PS control pad has stayed consistent all these years; if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

If it were a Tim Rogers post it would be 1 paragraph with 0 readability.

#COTD Well played!

You forgot "...In the WORRRRLD!".

I haven't read the actual opinion yet (my career will require a lot of this though), but I'm pretty sure that 7-2 is a majority opinion, not a plurality.

"Razorback was a mutant trucker with the power to drive any vehicle. He also dressed up as warthog for reasons I can only presume are vaguely sexual."

Does anyone else get a "Starscream's Ghost" vibe from this week's Futurama? I sure do.

The Z32 300ZX was supposedly the first car designed on CAD software, on a Cray II supercomputer of all things, that got the coefficient of drag down to an impressive (by late '80s standards) .32.

1 picture/1000 words.

I remembered seeing an ancient GM film in a cars documentary on TLC (when that name actually meant something) that featured rocket cars and automated highways... in 1973*

That description is kind of unfortunate, but I think I'll still try it. It's a shame you can't carry a full arsenal in this one, I bet that would have made it closer to the original game.

It could have easily been a lot worse, but I'll keep up with it for at least a little bit. The Librarian... lol.

So far, so good; it's a bit flawed, but I like it so far, and I hope the rest of the season stays consistent with the pilot in overall quality.

Solid article Mr. Plunkett, but having seen the clips, to me DNF looks like DN3D with mouselook and a fresher coat of paint. Having adored 3D way back in '96/'97, I really can't say that's a bad thing, so I might still rent it or wait for it to hit the bargain bin.

@photonarbiter: Quick! Get Hideo Kojima on that, it might mean something!