
SEGA Dreamcast...'nuff said.

They've admitted their mistake. Now time for a Google maps update.

When will we switch to the 7.62? Apparently the opposition doesn't care if they use it on us.

Holy crap. I havent taken any pics with my phone but finally did take a few phone doesnt scratch easily (white) and no light leak........but i have this...and it bothers the crap out of me!

I always try to stop a phone fall with my foot. ALWAYS.

That picture always makes me click.

My sister is 13. She's had her smartphone for 1.3 years. Not a scratch is on its caseless body. Teach your kid how not to be careless.


I was talking about that review the other day when i saw Frucci on the credit card commercial.

walmart can't sell "free" phones because anything sold at 0 constitutes as a loss in their system. its funny to see a phone for 10 cents sometimes. I could be right or just making this is the internet.

I can't think of one time where i needed to use voice and data at the same time.

i'm going to take the under.


Just so happens my contract is up. TIme for a new phone....Now time to figure out do i want white or black?

I want to see him take on bumpy roads.

I would impregnate her.

Hardcovers, paperback, or something physical. I like to see the books stacked up.

i coulnt watch the video unless it was on mute...but even with that i wanted to throw up.

#over #hashtagging #should #be #a #crime #forreals #i #can't #stand #when #people #do #this

I was happy when they added the feature to use any debit card but immediately saddened when every single place i tried to use it at DENIED me because their systems weren't set up for it. Why even have the Paypass pin pad and not be able to use it?!?!?!