Rex Wolfe

Disney Marvel goes dam we thought we killed the FF off finally and now someone who can do a decent series is going to take a crack at our characters again.

Newsflash: Midwest girls can drink.

Hardwick is the white mans Hey Mon! from In Living Color. What you only have tree jobs? you lazy mon.

Seem to recall he was shot in the last scene by some radicalized teen so don't think he'll be coming back to that when it returns.

Look if you grow up to eventually look like a age old childrens character you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Guess Vlad didn't hack this outcome.

Remember when hating on Koral and Zack were a thing? Sad now that it's only one of them, but not really as all that can be focuses on the one. GG Zack.

Also for some unknown reason they turned Thanos from purple to a orange hue while giving him 2 idiot sons. But everyone cheered with the casting Kellyanne as Death and this was before the minimal effects were added to the footage.

Wait is his father donnies "doctor" that gives him a clean bill of health that even Stevie Wonder can see is a load of crap? Swear they look alike.

right on the first guess of thinking of you.

So does MillAAAHs son have a video of the rape and just thinks it's some porn he grabbed? Has to come back to that somehow seeing how he's with the cabbies son.

Well too bad SNL isn't on over the summer, hell just bring the actors in they don't need writers for the sketches atm anyways.

Coming up on Fox & Friends: Treason maybe it isn't so bad after all? Was Benedict Arnold slandered by the press?

The Culinary Institute of America really wants a crack at them also.

I've thought this through and all we really need now is some alien to come down here to tell us we're just living inside of a quantum multiphase battery so none of this crap since november has mattered. That's the only theory I can come up with anymore. Because if the I'm stupid defense works we're fucked. This guy

she can hide my nuts between her funbags…


Didn't age well?

Wasn't a ghost just ascended again.

typecast in doctor roles, even if it is a horse doctor.