Rex Wolfe

Milfy either way.

Just don't bring back Phil to run it and you'll be good.

they can get dumber, there's 24 hours in a day so just wait for the next occurence.

Aww the snowflake(s) are out since lil donnie is upset. And look fellow putin employee bassrapist Julies is sticking his nose into it.

double stuffed filling.

The man who won't turn his taxes over like every other candidate is complaining about states not turning over voter rolls which is protected information. Yeah sure everyone is is the low iq dumb as rock people to him. fucktard in chief needs a mirror while he's on the crapper tweeting to see the real dumb as rock low

Demolition Man 2: In the future all restaurants are taco bell while all movies are marvel. Now where is Denis Leary to lead the underground people now?

Meeseeks is working overtime getting these movies out on time.

Thanks for spoiling A:IW that he'll make it through already! Just lazy as you could have put spoiler in the headline. sheez….

That's okay he'll be bringing some recommendations back after his meeting at the G20 with Vladdie as who to hire for the office.

The Brando cover looks like they're having reverse angry sex.

"Today only, save on anime titles like "Steins Gate", "Spice & Wolf",
and more. Offer ends 11:59 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, 2017."



Rip knows who did it, sorry couldn't resist such a easy one.

Carls, Aqua Teen etc…, cousin Sal in the van did her work.

Cum Bucket, err jenna jamison is telling them to stick to what they do best. This is what we've come to now, a former adult film jiztank sticking up for the White House that used the conservative christian right to get elected.*(with alittle outside help)

Not a big fan of comics from shows really. half of the fun of the animated ones is the voices as they are otherwise flat emotionless characters in print. 24 tried it but just wasn't the same hearing Jacks voice to the panels, Sons of Anarchy just didn't do it as we missed out on all the cover songs we missed while

Meh, should have put this one down as it's not really engaging or interesting. We don't need another lawyer show with boringly uninteresting characters.

You don't want to see the ones in his bedroom. Sources say it's covered with Sex Studs Monthly covers. Sources also say there's a closet full of Masters green jackets for winning there so many times along with a mantle full of NYC marathon trophies for all his first place finishes.