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    Did the study include the emissions produced by the extraction and refining of petroleum? In general these types of studies are funded by the petroleum industry and deliberately leave out the “mining process” for the ever so environmentally friendly gasoline. I’ve seen the charts where this is taken into account and

    Where does the author live? I am personally really excited by the Kia EV9, and went to their website for more information. They helpfully have a “chargers near you” map! I thought it was broken, because there were no chargers in my very dense, urban Massachusetts neighborhood. I had to zoom out to a radius of 20

    I would be perfectly fine with those as a compromise for people who are not hunters or law enforcement from owning guns.

    Compared to the other two brands you mention in this article, it is elegant, and certainly doesn’t look like it’d tip over, but my goodness it’s expensive!

    The reason trains are stupidly efficient has to do with the friction between the wheels and the rails. Trucks don’t have that advantage.

    Ford Flex Limited > 2013 sheet metal. - Practical, twin turbo toaster with a nice ride, power when you need it, and the ability to fit an 8' ladder inside, or on the roof.

    Assuming this page is representative, approximately 50MB per page.

    It looks like a muscled-up Flex. I’ll take 2!

    My 2013 Flex Limited has only 66K on it, so it’s worth about what they’re paying here.

    This! Can we get a piece on the Lost in Space Chariots (new ones) they are super badass looking, and I WANT ONE NOW!

    That is not an Omni. It is a Charger.