
I really liked the characters in Rogue One - they weren't extroverted charm-offensives like the leads of TFA, but more dour, stoic types. Jyn, Cassian, Galen, and Krennic were all sympathetic, believable, and understandable, and the other characters were well drawn for supporting players.

To be fair, remembering the specific names of characters from films has little to do with how memorable they are. In the last month I've watched 'Ex Machina' and 'The Nice Guys', both of which had very memorable characters, and I can only confidently remember one of the names.

That's a very dismissive way of defining indoctrination.The mind doesn't have a default moral compass or understanding of what's what, it's solely the product of your genes interacting with input from the environment (family, friends, culture, society, everything and everyone you encounter).

I'm genuinely really impressed that you had this ready to go as soon as you saw the article.

I accessed it simply by highlighting the text and dragging it to my search bar. It look literally two seconds.

It wouldn't surprise me if IT is a backdoor pilot for the Stephen King Movie-Universe. Maybe Idris Elba's going to show up at the end to recruit Stuttering Bill?

"Ok AV Club, I read your article and I was wondering: what was it that broke the record?"

I am a Stephen King fan - I've read about 1/2 of his bibliography, and most of his classics. They are always extremely entertaining, he has an incredible gift for character (his main strength, in my opinion), and his novels frequently have very effective, creepy moments.

I think it's real, real dumb to start dancing on the AHCA's grave. A man whose primary motivation is spiting Barack Obama is still President, and a party whose primary goal is doing the same still controls the U.S. government. The only time it'll be safe to gloat about Trump is when he's voted out or jailed.

I remember deleted scenes used to be something I'd look forward to watching on DVD: even as a teenager who was fairly clued in when it came to film, it just didn't cross my mind that the reason these things were cut was because they were redundant, or didn't work, or altered the characters. I just viewed them as 'more

The first post credits scene I remember seeing was 'Masters of the Universe'. The soundtrack - a Star Wars knock-off, but not bad by any stretch - was good enough for me to sit through the suite over the end.

"The belovedness of the DC characters ya put in ain't what you get out of it. Christopher Nolan knew that. That's why he stopped makin 'em when the property went sour. Ah'm just here to talk ya out of it. Sometimes… dead is bettah."

I agree that dim lighting can help sell CGI, but this obnoxious BLUE + ORANGE colour grading fad that Zach Snyder loves makes it stand out like a sore thumb. The opening scenes of that trailer, in the arctic or wherever, would look beautiful if it weren't for that ghastly blue filter.

It reminded me of one of the ancillary Matrix animations from 2003.

You'll find fewer Star Wars fans as enthusiastic as I, and I say that's too much Star Wars.

Yeah, in Rogue One it's a desperate fight to get them before they escape. In A New Hope, he's taken out the ship's engines, and has it docked with his own gigantic ship. He can take it easy.

The middle of The Phantom Menace could probably be edited together with the planet and derelict sequence in Alien.

In total, complete, straight-faced seriousness - America, and the world, would be far, far better off with a dog in charge than Donald Trump.

Yoda's telling Luke to stay put isn't based on him believing that trying to change the future will result in making things worse though: it's him seeing that Vader's using Luke's friends as bait, and understanding that Luke won't be able to handle Vader.