He's not the lead-lead, but the Fisher/Ford-lead, which is pretty close to the lead-lead, and is a bit less thankless.
He's not the lead-lead, but the Fisher/Ford-lead, which is pretty close to the lead-lead, and is a bit less thankless.
Duncan Jones: It's alright Dad. I understand. But we really could've used that £5500.
"When will Game of Thrones be back?"
When I find something vaguely irritating - like the fuss about Barb - I try to pin down exactly why it is. In this case (assumes snooty, kill joy, wanky voice):
I thought everyone loved Bane. Not many villains still have people doing their voices nearly five years later.
He's the Poochie of Presidents: the obnoxious 'not' jokes, his being totally being in my face, the way he grates.
They had open auditions for Star Wars VII near me, where the call was for 'a smart, capable, athletic man in his late teens or early 20s'.
There's no 'likely' about it - he said it on TV!
He could say, "I became President by catering to you willfully ignorant fuck-ups, studying how you've proven yourself completely hypocritical when it comes to your laughable fairy tales, and telling you how I'm going to fuck you over, which I am still going to."
WIFE: "Are you sure? This is your last chance - Star Wars, or me and the kids."
Contrary to what automatic common sense tells us, elected monarchs have existed throughout history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
(QUINT VOICE) Jeeeeeesus H. Christ.
Here 'catered to' and 'profited from' are one and the same. I don't think - and I don't mean this in a cynical, 'A movie studio trying to make a profit? My word!' way - the former expression reflects anyone involved's decision making process.
Are you the owner of umpteen tiger-repelling rocks? For fuck's sake -
"I was so busy being a terrible President I forgot to cure it!"
But even if the kid was the worst actor in the entire world, he was still a child *actor*, not a child genocidal dictator, so he wouldn't deserve any public pillorying beyond not being chosen for more acting roles.
Yes, the lesson to take away from this is: 'none of our hatred should have been focused on this child, but entirely on the director who created the beloved franchise we're only so petulantly worked up about because we love it so much'.
First - I said 'if you were disappointed in a film', so don't pretend I'm making some attack against free speech.
"I couldn’t believe some of the things they wrote about the prequels, you know. I mean really, beyond ‘I didn’t like it’. "
I'm a teacher - when I was going through training, I was shocked at how small and kiddy people are before they hit adolescence. Looking back on our own lives, we remember being 8 and thinking the 11 year olds were really big, we remember gradually getting bigger etc., but if you dig out a picture of yourself at 10,…