
I always thought the original GotG's craziness was massively exaggerated. Marvel people and critics at the time kept on saying stuff to the effect of, "Are people gonna be able to handle this talking tree and this gun-toting raccoon? Will their minds not explode in a shower of 'Eh, that film looks too out there for

"Unless your actors are veterans with a talent for improvisation, it's best to give them their dialogue and motivations up front."

Yeah, I was 10 in 1999 and I thought it was unlikely a film company would sell tickets to evidence in a presumed murder.

Yeah, it's a proud member of the group of films hacks make the same laboured jokes about on movie shows/podcasts/website every time they appear. All of their 'witty' observations can be rebutted with straightforward evidence given in the film, but they missed that because they were too busy wanking as a reward for

I love The Blair Witch Project without reservations. I saw it when I was 11 knowing full well it was fake, knowing that you never saw the monster. I've seen it several times since and loved it just as much subsequently - I still find it extraordinarily creepy, even if, like with Alien, The Shining, and The Exorcist,

And it gets said so often! Some reporter needs to follow that up with - 'How do you mean?' You'd be able to hear their neurons firing as they struggle to not blurt, 'Because he's BLACK!'

I had a lot of Star Wars and Jurassic Park toys as a kid - the female Star Wars characters were always represented in the Hasbro toys as much as the male characters were (there were more male characters in SW obviously, but I had umpteen micro machine variants of Leia, and individual ones of Aunt Beru and Mon Mothma)

Of all the bullshit Republicans were selling at their convention, and have been selling for the last eight years, this characterisation of Obama as divisive and responsible for the polarisation in American politics is what sickens me the most. Racism, fear, insecurity - these things are at least heartfelt emotions.

'If you've a taste for terror… take [snip] DONNIE [snip] to the [snip]U.S PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2016[snip]'

That's because, to them, 'snooty', 'privileged', 'out of touch', are all words which mean 'intelligent' or 'possessing concern for other people'; you can be as moneyed and privileged as all get out - say, as the son of a political and oil dynasty, or someone whose millionaire father supported him throughout his shaky

Speak for yourself - I don't want to end up on my death bed thinking, 'Shit, I never got round to finding out if Ponda Baba survived getting slashed by Obi-Wan in Disney's canon, like he did in the original EU, in which his ugly friend, Dr Evazan, later transferred his brain into a senator's body.'

Objection - simply by calling itself that, and so being totally, 100% explicit about what it is, such a hypothetical channel would have a modicum of integrity - infinitely more than Fox News.

JABBA THE HUTT: I fed the last slave woman who refused my rank advances to the rancor, but YOU! You disgust even me!

This comment made me laugh hard enough to spill coffee, then immediately go 'Ohhhh…' disapprovingly at myself for having laughed - in other words, the best kind of joke. Good job!

But his corpse caught fire spinning in its grave. He looks like concept art of Vader that George Lucas rejected because he wanted to emphasise Vader's humanity at the end of the film.

He's playing an Obi-Wan Kenobi-esque mentor -

I hate it. Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One makes this 8th entry in a franchise which wrapped up neatly in 1983 sound cynical; Rogue One: A Star Wars Story sounds self-consciously twee and cutesy - it's like they want you to say it like you're talking to a toddler, it really rubs me the wrong way.

I wouldn't use the word genius to describe art without qualifying it a bit, but Star Wars is probably the most popular piece of fiction ever produced, and something does not become that popular or beloved simply because it's marketed well. There're lots of big and little things going on in Star Wars that millions of

Other people contributed a shit-tonne to the original films - without Marcia Lucas's editing, Kershener's direction and push to take as much time to get things as good as possible during Empire, John Williams's score, and Kasdan's dialogue - but it's really ridiculous how much traction the 'Lucas lucked into Star