
Yeah, and as depressed and guilt-ridden as she is, Melisandre seems canny enough not to tell Davos 'btw part of the reason I'm sad is that I convinced Stannis to murder Shireen the most horrifying way imaginable. Like YOU suspected… So in a way, this is all your fault'.

Jon's body is right there - Davos likely (accurately) reasons that it would be impossible to locate Stannis and Shireen's remains. Remember they're hundreds of miles away during a supernaturally charged winter, and that Davos will assume (accurately in Stannis's case) that the Boltons recovered and/or destroyed their

They are throwing away a golden opportunity if they don't have him playing some Imperial bigwig. They could just pour him into a Grand Moff uniform. (sighs gayly)

I have a lot of nostalgic affection for the Lord of the Rings tie-ins - The Two Towers and Return of the King were shallow, pretty, atmospheric fun.

That could be a neat resolution for the Sand Snakes now they've killed Trystane:

That didn't bother me - he's got honourable and self-destructive streaks while also being sick and tired of wars. Season 1-2 Jaime would've put the boy in chains there and then.

My brother texted me to say they should re-edit the S5 finale with Jon - knowing Thorne's Achilles heel - hurriedly trying to say, 'I order you not to kill m-yurrkk!'

I don't think it's fair to Tywin to call him disgusting and twisted - he was ruthless, severe, and pragmatic, but never cruel. He's exactly the sort of guy you'd want on your team in a shithole like Westeros.

There's plenty for her to lose faith about: her God doesn't manifest in front of her and tell her things clearly, nor has he ever appeared to act consistently. Melisdandre might think she's been confusing one thing for something else; she might think she's been played; she might think she's been misled; she might

It was to show the amount of blood Jon had lost - revealing a) how brutally he'd been stabbed and b) how unambiguously dead he was.

'Fightin Round the World

"I am still not sure that Roose and Ramsay can sustain a story of their own, if I’m being fully honest,"

The way I came to peace with The Simpsons crapping all over its legacy for 60% of its existence is by looking at through the filter of Troy McClure's, 'Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?' in the first Behind the Scenes episode - it is funny that after 10

Yup - even by the end of the classic era (1-9, I'll say), the animation had completely settled. I think the show's best cartoony animation was in Season 5, with 'Homer Goes to College' (Homer arguing on the nerds' behalf at the diner table; Homer clicking his heels after the exam; Homer's eyes going off in different

Now, I like both writers, but someone, somewhere, at some point, convinced Steven Moffat, and Russel T Davies before him, that a character repeatedly drawing attention to fantasy elements in a fantasy situation was endearing, and endlessly funny no matter how many times it is used.

In the first half of the 2000s - when I was a young teenager - I'd watch the commentaries for all the films I loved to really liked. I cannot imagine doing that today - I don't know if it's just a matter of time, or if it's because the internet being a much bigger part of daily life. I can now burn away time much more

Even though I was (and remain) the kind of tool who will re-watch the trailers to his favourite films, I always thought putting the trailer on the disc was something they did just for the sake of putting something on - like, I can't imagine the vast majority of dvd owners would consider watching a trailer for a film

The only problems I had with TFA arose because of an obvious knee-jerk attempt to distance themselves from the prequels: the film-makers didn’t seem confident in their grasp of what made Star Wars good, all they knew was that they wanted to avoid being at all like the prequels.

Not really - he tells Vader before he dies that he's going to become more powerful, and seconds after he's been killed his voice begins telling Luke to run.

The Vader being Luke's dad thing wasn't added in at the last minute, but it was likely devised shortly after Star Wars came out.