
It's useless - s/he won't understand it!

When I was a kid I read Maude's pointed, 'Todd, you've got small, girlish hands - reach in and fish it out," as a small sign that she getting understandably sick of her family. I think there are other moments.

Thousands of Jedi in a galaxy of (presumably) millions of trillions that's been a Jedi-suppressing totalitarian state for fifteen years.

Name and Time are vastly more enjoyable than the slagging they get suggests, while being a bit incoherent.

I understand why studios like them - because they think the great unwashed won't know what the film is otherwise - but I wish this colon thing would die a death. Numbered sequels did us fine up until the mid-90s dammit. That was good enough for The Godfather and umpteen other series; Star Wars had its big series

I wouldn't worry about it - if there's one thing that Twin Peaks really pushed, it was an accurate portrayal of the FBI's strict hiring policies and ruthless standards for it's employees' behaviour.

I don't know if you could get a Ford-type nowadays - I keep seeing Chris Pratt's name being mentioned in Indiana Jones threads, but he's way too much of a goofball lunk (I mean that in a wholly positive way) to be anything like Ford, who was always more about subdued intelligence and - compared to nowadays, where the

I'm concerned this could be a real misstep, it's got so much threatening to sink it.

It was a very quick way of showing that he was neither a robot nor in the best of health.

Lucas hired Kasdan (and tried to get him to do TPM). With Raiders, which represents Kasdan's biggest single effort, Lucas, Spielberg, and Kasdan hammered out the story together and then Kasdan went and wrote the script; with Empire, Lucas had already written a script, then he and Kasdan went through it rewriting it;

He didn't make up the word; it's a literary term that's fallen out of use. The OED defines 'youngling' as:

He directed and wrote Star Wars, the film that established the series' popularity, and made the massive impact in western culture that is still - particularly in light of TFA - directly felt today.

"Nevertheless Luiz’s earnest petition is incredibly close to proving to Disney that at least 7,500 people want the man who made Attack Of The Clones to be allowed to direct more Star Wars films."

He said it, but someone else reporting it in an article doesn't give us any sense of how the remark was intended. And even if it was intended wholly seriously, who knows what was going on with him that day? He might have been joking, he might have been thinking about something else and sick to the back teeth of Star

To anyone with a shred of sense or objectivity it's clear he was talking with his tongue in cheek.

I really didn't like what the flash-forwards were - until their purpose was revealed, Lost had a really quite grim edge to it. The idea that, after all the death and horror of the island, they get to work out and resolve their unfinished issues in a sappy purgatory retroactively takes a sting out of a lot of the

I hope to Christ they change the subtitle again - 'Star Wars - Anthology: Rogue One' sounds soulless, but 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' sounds soulless and sickly-cutesy. Just call it 'Star Wars: Rogue One'!

This bugged me too, but then it was pointed out to me that Kylo had just been shot by Chewbacca, was in a tumultuous emotional state, and Rey got the chance to best him because he started to try to convert her.

Back in 1999 I had that Simpsons episode on VHS - it was part of the 'Simpsons: Too Hot for TV' video. My brain still registers it as 'a new one' despite the fact that it's nearly 18 years old.