
Yeah, I can very vividly remember being 9 and getting my dad to spend 2 hours unsuccessfully downloading the Episode I trailer. Although, it's not quite the same - there were two Star Wars films between Menace and Awakens, and Star Wars didn't peter out of pop culture after Sith the way it did after Jedi.

How would Fox News respond if a candidate said they wanted to create a satellite that could destroy foreign nations with a single blast? I think it's pretty clear why they don't like Star Wars.

I imagine behind the scenes at Fox is a lot like Jabba's palace, pretty much in every single respect: the slimy piece of worm-ridden filth who runs everything while lusting over young women - "HO HO HO HO HO, AH HO HO HO HO"; the corpulent pig men everywhere; the godawful taste in music (an educated guess); the smell;

Yeah there's a wee bit of trendy contrarianism going on here. Whenever anyone suggests this is a better adaptation than Peter Jackson's, they are talking shit. Whenever anyone suggests this is a good film, they are not remembering that the plot line is obscure, the scenes bizarre - Gandalf throws the ring in the fire

The decision to rotoscope the balrog is as dumb a thing as I can conceive of. The advantage of animation is that it can depict anything! Why use crummy footage of a fucking guy in big slippers and sagging paper wings when you could DRAW the damn thing? You drew other stuff in it!

I can't imagine how big a wanker a person has to be to want to force strangers to know that they have a negative view of an upcoming film.

Idris Elba's name gets thrown around for every part going… but I think that would be perfect casting. Him, Daniel Day Lewis, or, if he could do a British accent, the guy who played President Palmer in 24.

Yeah - so so much of Homer's dialogue in modern Simpsons is desperately laboured. They went from naturalism to stand-up-comedian-doing-crummy-bits.

I am British, and didn't realise that Marge was mispronouncing it! Classic Simpsons just gives and gives.

"Eight spices? Some must be repeats…'Oregano…' What the hell?"

"You don't need friends to be happy. I haven't had a friend in years!"

Yeah classic Simpsons really often made Springfield somewhere you'd want to visit.

It is. It really, really is. (This is a quote from a Simpsons episode Try and guess which one! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.)

Marge's total squareness is one of those lovely veins of humour they built quite subtly over the golden years (see also, Homer's attraction to Maude).

"Why do I always (thing just done). Well I'm an idiot." - is one of those Simpsons quotations which can be (is) dusted off (automatically used without conscious thought) at least once a week.

Still mighty fishy when your mother lives on the other side of the world and you know you're going after aliens who have the power to read your mind and pose as people you know.

You want me to put my gun down and come with you onto your turf, despite the fact that a) you've failed to remember the single most basic detail about me, b) I was told the creatures we're here to stop would do exactly this, c) I have other options besides killing you or putting myself completely at the mercy of your

She also couldn't remember his birthday.

I think Clara has been a lot better characterised than people tend to give the writers credit for, but as written - like a lot of Steven Moffat's characters - she has an tendency to react archly and be blase about everything. When she came across as 'off' during the episode I put it down to the script laying on the

What do the kids do that's particularly dumb?