
The Star Wars micro machines' scale was obviously all over the place - Darth Vader's flagship was the same size as an X-wing, etc. I overcame this problem through forced perspective, holding the bigger ships closer to my face or having scenes that focused on big ships, middle ships, small ships. It was ingenious.

"That messy co-mingling reflects the kind of unformed play we engaged in as kids."

I loathe that convention, and have done since it started appearing. The characters who do it - Tim/Jim being good examples - are annoying because while they're almost always insufferable douchebags, the audience is supposed to like them for their douchebag traits.

'Mr Plow' was the first place I ever heard the word 'pornography'. From the context of the episode, eight year old me assumed it was something like tupperware (I thought the joke was that Homer's best excuse was that he was buying something lame at a stupid hour).

'Lily Potter II and the Awakening of Magic'

While it was riddled with small problems, I think the main issue was the visuals: 'The Golden Compass' is a dead chintzy and sparkly looking film - everything looks too clean, everything looks over-designed, and there are tonnes of little sci-fi doohickets everywhere. Other than the daemons, the bears, and the

A billion times yes. Anyone who thinks for a moment that 'the democratisation of justice' is any way, shape, or form a good idea needs a fucking horrifying Ebeneezer Scrooge-type nightmare in which they're on the receiving end of it stat.

I'd also argue that taking down an unpleasant hypocrite isn't worth it if innocent people (in this case, people who signed up to Ashley Madison) suffer - possibly to the point of suicide - with them.

I think, provided they didn't feel their frequent need to blandify it, the BBC would be the best to make a 'His Dark Materials' miniseries (say 5 hour long episodes a book).

I think they got it across very elegantly - the audience knows what kind of person Krusty is, and everything he says during and after his comedy conversion is true to that. Writers should be able to not spell things out without worrying audiences are going to - essentially willfully - jump the gun in order to label

Yeah I got this when I was twelve - the joke is that Krusty thinks female comedians' main priority will be to land a husband. Krusty is an old man with backward views.

Thank you for mentioning this! I've devoured the first eight episodes over some long train journeys during the last three days.

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg have both been pretty open about how much they owe to Williams. Star Wars and Jurassic Park are two of my favourite films, and I sincerely doubt they'd be nearly as great without him; I don't mean that in a critical way - they'd be amazing films with lesser scores - but the music is

I love A New Hope, but there are a few bits where characters really drop the ball. Maybe… Vader was so curious about sensing Obi-Wan he… told the stormtroopers… to… uh… do the most basic, easily thwarted, search imaginable. And then Luke et al stick their heads out and have a loud chat seconds after the stormtroopers

Does it have that in the book? I thought that was the TV film's version of something more abstract in the book.

I've always been in two minds about Pennywise/IT - when I first read the book the reveal that It was the primary evil entity of the universe, older than the universe, and part of the cosmic order (to the point where some of the characters muse on whether it can actually be considered evil or whether it's performing a

The short story 'Nyarlathotep' really unsettled me. It's been years since I read it, but it really felt like a description of a nightmare - there's a bit when three crowds, after coming out of an exhibition by Nyarlathotep - part Satan part P.T. Barnum, disperse in different directions: one lot goes out of sight, and

Determined or not that cat must be long dead.

I've always loved the subtle, long running gag that Homer fancies Maude.

I think the 'media', for want of a less wanky term, have willed themselves into believing True Detective Season 2 was shite. Its worst episodes were pretty good and its best ones were really good. Why the fuck are people nowadays so incapable of thinking 'I liked the first one more, but this one's good too'.