Rex Action, Nurse Man

Both of those, plus Fleshlight, presenting sponsor of 50 Shades of Jim Gray After Dark.

The disease is very poorly understood and people who have it do not get pain from all injuries. The pain can be somewhat random. As such, while it is certainly possible she has it, it also makes it an excellent choice of diseases if you had to pick one to avoid certain methods of drug testing.

Replace it with the c word. Then try to say that only women can use the c word, because they’re women. Then try to tell some other women that she shouldn’t be offended that you called her the c word, because you’re both women, and you’re taking the power of the word. What? She can’t be insulted after you just

Read the indictment. It was photos and videos of MSU students, possibly given under coercion. And Nasser was already fired and convicted, so the investigation is over. The beyond stupid here is you.

Chatman’s fighting style is best described as wrestler-boxer-chiropractor-gymnast.

“I don’t give a shit about any of this. I don’t give a shit about it so much, that I will continue to return here and tell you how unfunny you are, over and over. I may tell other people on here that you are unfunny too. That’s just how little I care.”

Yes I am qualified because I know a Koala isn’t actually a bear but a Marsupial.

No Total Recall, Predator, Interstellar, The Martian or Event Horizon, but we do get Dune, AI and Buckaroo fucking Banzai?

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

“... around the world in 8 hours.”

Most doctors, including those going into the higher $ specialties, don’t become doctors for the money. The money sucks for the amount of work you have to put in.

Cam is in North Carolina where such stuff literally means death threats. While you, keyboard warrior, have surely sacrificed for the cause by making a blog comment.

Patriots all stood for the anthem, so we fucking deserved this shit.

“Roger, if you really want unity, you’ll have to prove it. Now get over here and suck my cock.”

Understandable. He’s got a long history rooting for guys who never should have been asked to put on a glove.

i mean, the marketing department has a point, if one guy walking out of a locker room early can boost jersey sales imagine how many jerseys they could sell to people who still think South Park is relevant or at all incisive in 2017.

I’m just imagining some intern awkwardly standing by as he only meant to show Mr. Goodell a small bit of the movie to prove a point, but now Roger keeps watching and rewinding the puppet sex scene.

But don’t let it be a black and a white one
‘Cause they’ll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop

Bullshit it does Thompson. It did not fill in any of the MANY plot holes in the new Star Trek series.

This really hits home for me.... I just lost my dad not even a month ago to a 6 year battle with cancer. He was only 58 leaving my 55 year old stay at home mom behind. I’m the oldest of 4 brothers and we all are just beginning to navigate through the anger and sadness in our own ways. Luckily, we are all really