
Well I wasn’t going to vote at all, but now I’m going to vote for Hillary just because it’ll cancel your vote and that’s funny to me. I don’t even like her

Many people are saying he’s on the cocaine... Many terrific tremendous people... the best people! Is he on the cocaine? I don’t know, you tell me... But many people are saying he is.

It might be “broken” right now to efficiently gain currency from playing online, but they recently added FM daily/weekly rewards in this patch. Also, people fail to mention that Capcom has made it easy to gain 600K+ FM from doing the offline modes, which is more than enough to buy all of the season pass characters.

You don’t actually play, like or know anything about Street Fighter 5, do you.

I’m seriously feeling the “take everyone’s guns away, they lost their damn privilege,” stance. Buuuuut I know it is crazy taboo to say anything close to that so, “hey guys, how about more gun control??”