
The Flash was surprisingly one of my favorite DCEU movies. I have specific problems with it, most definitely, but the hate surprises and disappoints me. It’s the first and only movie of that cinematic universe that made me feel like it was an actual cinematic universe that I’ll miss.

But I will confess that I am

Excellent reminder. Dan Quayle didn’t even change; the Republican party just got so profoundly stupid that Quayle seems like an elder statesman genius in comparison.

Because Jezebel writers are, at heart, rubes who think that it is inherently funny when things are different from how they are in the U.S.

The DCEU is handled so poorly that sometimes I think elon musk is in charge of it.

Where in my “Everyone with money like Taylor Swift should follow her example” comment did you get “Let’s blame a woman”?

In order to make WW3 you have to make WW2 at least 30% less rapey. 

All true, but let’s none of us make the mistake, even for a single moment, of viewing Pence as exemplifying any morsel of courage.

This is not booktock. This is people who are parts of obsessive fandoms and most obsessive fandoms are super toxic.

A fancast is one thing, but that’s pretending you are casting a movie. You don’t do this shit to real people.  You don’t cross the line.

I will say that the team jumping in and encouraging this shit to the

I mean yes, everyone has to come to terms with unwanted attention, but that doesn’t mean they can’t call it out and complain about it too?

It can be both. It starts as an act - it’s the Stephen A. Smith approach of being loud and wrong so as to drive negative engagement - but if you play the role long enough eventually you start to believe it.

“Lewis apologized to Felicia, but also expressed confusion about where her frustrations are coming from months after Lewis first posted her TikToks about Wennberg.”

It’s not an unreasonable demand, and simultaneously, Lewis and other TikTokers’ confusion about what is and isn’t the right way to be a horny woman on the internet also seems fair.

That’s typical of conservatives. If they are forced by personal circumstance to recognize some right because they or their loved one suddenly needs that right, they’re for that right. But only that right. So if they’re trans but not a trans athlete, they’re for trans rights but not trans rights for stuff they don’t

Oh, to live in a world where “Person who has more money than they could ever spend gives some away to the people who made that possible” wouldn’t even warrant a headline because it’s just expected.

The enemy of my enemy is still fucking terrible.

Oh, Caitlin. Always making herself the poster child for “Equality, but just for me!”

Caitlyn Jenner has spoken out against trans women’s participation in sports, but participated herself in a women’s golf tournament and supported a trans woman’s bid to join the LPGA. She is not a serious person in any way, shape, or form. Agreed that DeSantis deserves all the heat but Jenner is not the one to bring it.

Fuck off into the sea, Caitlyn.  You vote for the face-biters every time.

He wasn’t fired for this. No one is fired for this sort of incident if it is a singular event. You are fired after many, many incidents like this. This seems like a weird thing to connect but it’s like how Johnny Depp wasn’t fired for the Amber Heard allegations. The reactions to that were extremely mixed and Disney

While the radio guy probably meant to demine the woman, she does look like Barbie. If she didn’t look like Barbie she wouldn’t have a job in television.