I bet you one million dollars the real legal definition of strike busting doesn’t include making it less shady.
I bet you one million dollars the real legal definition of strike busting doesn’t include making it less shady.
It would be up for the union to file a ULP with the NLRB (and the NLRB to issue a complaint), not for the city to decide whether it’s a labor violation or not.
I would be down for that but I’d doubt LA would be willing to come down that hard on the actor’s/writer’s side this early, that would blow up a lot of politics.
except the front row is the cheapest seat in the house
I don’t... understand... this...
Welp! Time to sell those stocks and reinvest into Chinese and South Korean animation studies.
They can’t just wait till everything is rosy before fighting for the right to not be ripped off by Hollywood, or they might as well just hand their entire ability to earn right over to the head fatcats and sit down and starve.
Honestly, if Visual Effects artists and Animators all decided to band together and push for unionization right now, they can easily join the strike and literally freeze Hollywood to a standstill.
I guess the question is, do the tickets cost the same as before all these shenanigans, or are tickets priced at what the upcharge rate was?
One of the aspects of American history that I believe is poorly taught and understood (and likely to become more so due to their racialized nature) are the labor wars. I mean, when a shitty deal is a step up for that supply of people, how can they care or know to care?
I hate reality television and think that the vast majority of people who agree to go on one of these shows probably has some kind of mental issue.
I mean, maybe she’s being rhetorical when she asks why this is happening, but the answer is because there a line 14 miles long of people willing to sign up for $7,250, just like she did. She’s thinking about this with her “I’m an established star” brain and not the brain the networks use which is, “we’ve got talent…
She’s completely right. I think of all the big reality shows that have been just as popular as scripted shows - and in many cases hurt the people being filmed, especially because they are portrayed as themselves without creative or editing control. Think of all the kids that were filmed in shows like Jon & Kate Plus…
Collective bargaining is all about getting what you and your talents are worth.
Gladiator 2!
Gladiator 2
Boycott if you want. Don’t listen to people that tell you otherwise. Many years ago I boycotted Adobe. It did make me feel better. But eventually I had to give in.
“How can anyone Live Más if they’re not allowed to freely say ‘Taco Tuesday?’ It’s pure chaos.”
Anyone can make the argument that ‘we want to use it too’ with anyone’s trademark. They had the trademark fair and square. They should have been able to keep it.
Trzcinski’s other sister, Mary, said simply, “That just doesn’t sound like my brother.”