
So more of the “thoughts and prayers”?

No, what she said was pretty off the wall for a top law enforcement official. Allow me to provide the proper response:

A white girl called mean “uppity nigger” in 8th grade. My two Irish friends covered the corridor for me and lied when asked where I was as I followed fat girl Becky into the bathroom. I slapped her beet red and wrapped her hair around her neck and dunked her head six times in a clear toilet (one for each letter in the

So glad to see we’re not the only weirdos out there. Our families are obviously kindred spirits. Here’s our Halloween 2014:

You square the two ideas, by understanding that “believe women” does not equal “police should never investigate”. It means don’t make assumptions if someone discloses to you that they were assaulted.

With Obama, any expression of ‘blackness’, no matter how tame gave a hell of a lot of white folks the vapors. I suspect that if he had only known at the beginning how pointless it was to try and bridge the divide between racists and the like, he would have had even higher approval numbers among his supporters.

Serious question. How do we square the idea that women don’t make false accusations and should be believed, with the fact that white women have used false accusations as weapons against black men, and black people generally throughout this country’s history?

Had Trump and by extension the current iteration of the Republican party not been a crowd of soulless, racist leeches; determined to subvert Democracy, that would have been fine advice.

That was my thought too.  Even Terry Crews would be a better choice than The Rock. 

I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

Either you die in an efficiency condo in Queens, or you live long enough to see yourself become the pretentious Brooklyn asshole paying $5K a month for a 1 bedroom on the 16th floor who thinks they’re now part of the top 1%.

Simultaneously comics faithful, and also looking like the photo on a piece of cardstock in a vinyl costume bag at that store that only rents space in the mall for a month every year.

In her Notice of Claim, Cummings says she is owed $120 million in damages

Part of me wants her to win the lawsuit and be awarded $0 so she understands how it feels to be a slave.

Idk you can do as much as he’s accused of, and be remorseful.

This man is talking all over Senator Feinstein and on the edge of tears. This man whatever else is wrong with him is clearly not mentally stable. It’s pitiful.  He honestly looks like he wants to hit her.

Brett out here mean-mugging the committee, making threats, and it’s all interspersed with weird crying fits. Like, bruh, it’s over. Stop. Leave. You got got by the now-woman you tried to rape; game over. Begging is an ugly look, Brett.

His wife has consistently supported him. I wondered for a minute if Camille was about to get her ‘Groove Back’ and get over her Stockholm Syndrome, but I think she honestly resents these women for not thanking her husband for the attention, and disrupting their lives. At least one of his victims recounted that she