Now playing

Studying a group of bus drivers, for whom daily pleasantries can be part of the job, scientists found that those who engaged in "surface acting," or smiles and chipper voices, when they were actually having a bad day, were more withdrawn from work.

Ahh, I remember phones from the 80s and early 90s, when a handset was a handset, with a serious mike and speaker, a real bell that could wake the dead, buttons with springs in them, and - at least in the US anyway - no one ever had to complain about the audio quality of their calls, even using pay phones on the

Oh, MANNN! And I just got finished turning my deck lanterns into tomato cages!

There I Fixed It :-)

For washing my glasses I'd prefer this over the motion-sensing faucets, which often go off in the middle of the process; don't detect the glass you see (or not, as it were.) ("You should be using proper glass cleaner and a little felt cloth instead of water", but you know what? Shut up, that's what.)

@jrschneider31: I can't speak for this system, but I once had a set of 900mHz wireless headphones. The range fell off like a cliff if you went into another room and when it was in range the audio was crap. YMMV.

Can somebody explain why Harmony remotes are so expensive? You could get an iPod Touch or a low-end netbook for the price of some of them. Did I mention that they're remotes? Are they really that worth it?

The tab broke on my trusty 100' Ethernet cable awhile back. I wasn't in the mood to pay $40 for a crimper. Bought some cheap female-to-female connectors on eBay, secured one to the broken plug with gaffer tape, plugged a good 6' patch cable to the other end. Problem solved.

A guest spilled red wine on the carpet

@chrisaroz: I was thinking someone could mod it to put the camera on a gooseneck.

Online reservation? Bring a printout. Especially important if you got a special discount. Check the numbers in the printout against the agreement before you sign.

Is there a way to disable NumLock permanently (WinXP)?

(Also the video played in IE but not my usual Firefox. YMMV.

Happy accident - the plastic lens that covers the LEDs on my TiVo remote recently fell off, and now its performance is noticeably better. No more getting channel 2664 when we punch in 264. Might give this a go as well, although AFAIK LEDs have internal reflectors and lenses that should make this unnecessary.

One of the best mental algorithms for passwords is to take the first letters a title, quote, line from a song, etc. and make an acronym of it. Even better is to take the resulting acronym and massage the characters a bit.

Relax! The messages in your GMail account are completely secure against all intruders!

I've heard spraying the sheets with hair spray - the old school helmet-hair type - helps.

Horton Hears a Who

@dwhitman: And before you do that, read Tufte.