Ed has a stories section on Youtube called Vinwiki. It’s all kinds of stories about deals gone sideways and other stuff. Interesting topics, but the stories as told are about as interesting as watching water evaporate.
Unless, it’s some genius idea of getting cars off the roads so the perp will have less traffic to deal with. Now, that’s Jalop thinking.
Younger generation is buried in debt and on the outside looking in at buying a house. HD thinks they will sell BEV cycles to these people? Nice knowing you HD, actually it wasn’t.
I own a machine shop and I NEVER get away with this, so I also do not let anybody else off. If I’m paying a professional, it had better look like it.
Love this car, but two things:
Save your pennies because the recession is coming. My brother ran the mortgage division of Wells Fargo in Nor Cal in the early 2000's and when he left he told me that the entire mortgage model had gone crazy (loans to people who had no business getting one and loans at 100% value). He said this in 2004 that the market…
I don’t know what is more heroic, grinding the wheels with them still on the car or driving the car sans seat belt. This guy is a bad idea superstar.
Based on the cost to replace my fathers key on his Equinox, this should cost GM $11,000,000,000,000. Another bullseye GM.
Americans are running out of money. The average wage has increased 2-4% over the last 8 years. Can you say the same about your bills? This is all coming to a head and it will be pretty ugly. Not as bad as 08, but could be close.
My original thought was cancel the Model S and Model 3, replace both with the Model Y and get the pickup going. BUT, I am always in favor of licensing and they can become a boutique auto maker.
I didn’t think to specify the network specifically to the fast charging variety. Thanks for clarifying that issue.
I only stated that Tesla has a better charging infrastructure than everyone else. If you somehow think that I in someway “moved the goal posts” by stating that, then I don’t know what to say. The great thing about all this is the companies will struggle and go broke while the consumer gets to pick the best option when…
iPhone. Go plug your Tesla into a Supercharger then into a ChargePoint and tell me which is faster. It’s not the charging, it’s the speed. There is just not enough DC Fast locations.
I love this truck, but I don’t know how it will do against Tesla, or any of the big 3. Tesla has a charger network established and Rivian doesn’t, seems like an issue. I hope I am wrong.
The names of these cloths makes me think they are made by Ikea.
WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?!?!