
keep the future sustainable for GM while it figures out how to build and sell electric cars to a buyer who, well, still wants a crossover or pickup truck.”

Reverse: Replace Model T with CUV and we might see history repeating itself.


My first car was a 1968 Pontiac Tempest. Was a hand me down from my parents who bought it new. I drove it all through high school. Kissed my first girl in it. Drove to college in it. When I came home after my junior year I decided I wanted a 79 Bronco. Sold the Tempest to a family friend who promptly slid the

1st Gear: OK Ford, listen close. You can’t make the Ranger fast enough, right. So put some Raptor decals and some mods on the Ranger and jack up the price $8,500 and make a killing. I know your stock price might increase, which seems to be toxic to the current Ford culture.

When are they delivering the car carrier trailers?

When I was in high school in the 80's, there was a guy who stood out front of the Honda motorcycle dealership with a sign stating that the dealership had broken his motorcycle when testing it after a repair and was not willing to step up and fix the issue. At first the dealership just ignored him, but when there

I’m still waiting on the fleet of vehicle transport trailers he’s making.  

I can not recommend that book enough. It is my favorite along with

My favorite part in the book is that Henry Ford built the Willow Run plant in the shape of an “L” so it would not creep into a neighboring county which was run by a person he hated.  That is some massive spite.

Read the book.  It takes an objective look at the process.  

The thing about Henry Ford is that he was just a mean spiteful person. Read “The Arsenal of Democracy” to find out more fun tidbits about this monster.

2nd Gear: How about dealerships step into the early 2010's and make use of the internet. Do you know how often I place an internet request and if I get a response it’s in the form of a call with the same “When can you come in for a test drive” BS. I just want your best out the door price.  Dealerships are just a

I always thought these would be worth a lot, until I watched the show “the Americans”. That show is chock full of this vintage car and as such they don’t seem to be as rare as thought . Here is the rundown (warning: this is a rabbit hole)

HOLY CRAP, I just bought this last night (If I get kinja’d, it is a Solstice).  Don’t let the reputation fool you, it is a cheap way to get into a fun car.

1st gear:  Ford has settled the issue with reselling the GT, so all problems solved.

All the issues Ford has and this is what they want to spend time on?  It’s like the guy who’s yelling and the deck hand to scrape the rust off a hand rail while the Titanic is going down.  Ford, for the love of god, get your act together.

I guess the bloom is off the rose as far as the Grand Tour goes.  Season three started and this is the first I have heard about it on Jalopnik.  Not that the first two were anything to write home about, but still....

John Travolta’s comeback is why I HATE Quentin Tarantino. You had to cast this guy in Pulp Fiction.  

On the other side of the “who will be buying the turbo 4" argument is the thought of the depreciation on the turbo 4 model. It seems like we will be looking at German luxury level of depreciation.