David, just give in and move to the west coast where rust is the color of old carpeting not a state of metal.
“if anything goes wrong after the warranty expires you’ll have some extra cash saved up.”
I’m guessing the conversation went something like this:
The title of the article should read:
While driving my Escalade ESV
No exhaust noise discussion is complete without the musings of Bubb Rubb
When I was in college we had a speaker from Apple. At one point he was asked why they discontinued the Lisa computer. His answer was “Nothing has ever been cancelled because it sells too well”. I think that is the answer here.
Instead of an Italian tune up a Wife tune up “Pump the brakes” on what ever you are doing.
Problem at Ferrari is they don’t have another shortstop.
5th Gear: I hate to rain on e.GO’s parade, but there is already a $18,000 EV. It’s called the 2016 i3. They also have a lower spec trim for around $12,000 called the 2015 Leaf. And I hear starting pretty soon they are going to be selling for blowout prices.
This Supra will be hilarious in about 6 years when it does it’s BMW thing and starts to fall apart. This should be a big hit to the legendary Toyota build quality for people who do not know better.
Wait, something faster than 2400 is available? I need to call Worldcom to get upgraded.
I’ve already got this figured out. The El Nino Camino-La Electricidad.
People have to understand that the current system is sort of a proof of concept. Now that EV is fairly mainstream you are going to see many more fast charger stations. These can charge a car to 80% in about 30 minutes. If a driver of a Bolt has to charge up once a week and they and grab a cup of coffee while doing…
4th Gear: So my question is this: When will GM do something else with the Bolt platform? They have a massive head start on everybody else and they seem to be just running in place waiting for the competitors to catch up. Why not a small pick up body (El Nino Camino) and some sort of 2 seat roadster. Don’t laugh…
What went wrong? I’ll tell you what went wrong. They made a 4 door gas sipper into a 4 door gas sipper that was really expensive. If they would just make something useful out of this platform. Oh, I don’t know, how a bout a small pickup. You know the thing that keeps GM and Ford in business. Why is this such a…
I didn’t mean to write typically, it was supposed to be occasionally. You’re right, most rich people live out fine lives, just know that they sometimes have burdens that are just as bad while being different. Besides, when was the fact that a rich person, or legacy racer, got a ride any sort of news. Race car…
This typically doesn’t end well. I would put up a list but it would be very long. Well, OK, here is a partial.