When the Waymo driverless car attains consciousness, the first thought it will have is “Man, I wish I wasn’t driving a FCA product. “
When the Waymo driverless car attains consciousness, the first thought it will have is “Man, I wish I wasn’t driving a FCA product. “
Now that a COTD we can all get behind.
The good and wise move is just to hang on to what you have, for as long as you can.
My friend went and bought a 911 Turbo spring of 99. Had his choice of the air cooled 98 or all new water cooled 99. He chose the newer car, which I feel he did correctly. But the value of the 98 turbo is almost twice that of the 99, DOH!!!!
“A ridiculous blue glowing buttplug”
So I start reading and as I always do, I try and think like Torch. My guess was some sort of air cooled VW that was used on location for the film “Deadlier than the Male”. Well, I have never been so disappointed and impressed at the same time. Nice call Torch.
On the phone with a customer and I opened the site and saw the opening pic. Started laughing when I thought it was David pointing to the thing he does not use when deciding whether to buy a rusty POS Jeep. I do mean his brain.
“Luckily, inflatable things can absorb all kinds of abuse! Just ask the dolphin-shaped pool toy that served as my high school girlfriend.”
I think we are missing the bigger point here: A DeLorean is worth 70k, when did this happen? How is this car worth that. I drove one and it was TERRIBLE. I just don’t get it.
Here’s your star. You don’t want a star, then stop writing such witty stuff.
I think this issue is similar to autonomous cars in that they are trying to make it a total solution to a problem that only need a partial fix. I only need an autonomous car to do its thing on the freeway, not in downtown San Francisco traffic. We do not need to solve the long road trip problem right now with EV’s. …
This is totally lame. Now GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!
It’s amazing when you look at GM products in the late 80's to the mid 2000's that they didn’t go bankrupt. Oh, wait....
Just move to the west coast. No road salt means your vehicle never rusts. I would worry about you being surrounded by an endless supply of rustles early 90's Jeeps.
I’m actually crying I’m laughing so hard. This on the heels of arguing global warming and faking the moon landing with my in laws.
Nice article and I do look forward to everything you post. For the life of me I do not understand why any auto manufacturer uses drum brakes. Are really that much cheaper? When charging $45,000 how much of a turn off is it to add another $300 to upgrade to disc brakes?
I usually blame one of three things for this kind of stuff: Obama, Trump, or the Illumaniti. Seems to usually work.
BLASPHEMY!!!!! Don’t you EVER mention banning $kay.
Wow, David’s favorite was a Jeep and Torch’s was an air cooled Beetle. In less obvious news: The wet stuff coming out of the faucet is called water.