
Johnny Cab, of course.

Let this be a lesson to anyone that invests in Tesla or any of Musk’s other industries... when the going gets tough, Musk quits. Tesla’s valuation was already insanely out of whack with real automotive production; now they’re abandoning the mass market to sell robo-taxis? Even if — IF — they could make a safe and

Doesn’t matter if he believes it. It’s still a lie.

If Musk is talking, then he’s lying.

I’m fine with them being shot into it.

Inventory is at record levels because people don’t want to buy a badly made car from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

Breathtakingly stupid.  He moves and reacts like a toddler.

At some point someone should be held responsible for their behavior. If people are dumb enough to believe this nonsense and look at the sun, and then fuck up their vision, I hope there is a class action lawyer waiting in the wings to eat all of these people, and twitter for spreading this garbage.

I whole heartedly urge all conspiracy theorists, flat earthers and science deniers to follow their own “truths” and stare at the solar eclipse.

Well I guess the jigs up. Time to come clean.

free stuff? Libraries? SOCIALISM!!!

I’m fine with these idiots staring at the Sun.

“If they’re telling us to not look at the eclipse, it’s prolly good for us to LOOK AT THE ECLIPSE,” one X user wrote on Wednesday.

Sure. What the worst could happen?

When you end your sentence by ‘’God is real’’ , you know people are freakin dumb

Dear stupid people,

This kinda stuff makes me sad for humanity. I had hoped that by the time I hit 50, the Earth would have mastered space travel and flying cars, but I guess our society is just too dumb to handle anything.

The problem is with Tesla’s culture as a whole. To build a good manufacturing organization, you need to nurture expertise and talent, and invest in people — and there is nothing Elon Musk hates more, or respects less, than people. (Why do you think he cares so much Full Self-Driving and humanoid robots? Because he

Good. I can’t think of a more deserving group of people.

Fools and their money.