
take your tiny dick and fuck off bilbo


how does a mother fucker complain about seeing beautiful women being beautiful? wtf is wrong with you?

let these cunts fight

could be self hating, or he’s not even black and just looks it. his palms weren’t pale, they’re the same colour as his forearms.

better look up the definition of “literally” because you’re using it wrong, nazi.

they are highly mentally unstable. it’s pure insanity.

little cunts thought they would get away with it. racist dickhead was almost shitting himself.

they’re already coming for the poor white people. the only white people the right cares about are the millionaires and billionaires.

vote them out. they’re doing shit like this because they’re scared. They’re scared “minorities” are getting educated and are intellectually beating the shit out of their stupid, entitled kids. fuck repubs

nuke florida

shhhh, he might hear you with those satellite dishes on the sides of his head.

i understand people used to toss teddy bears and flowers and shit, never knew WHY as the talent would never usually take them. your money and attendance is enough for them. stop praising celebrities like their deities or some shit. they’re just people.

all day, everyday

pigs better watch out. society is done with these brown shirts running around.

and here you are, jerking off protecting and agreeing with nazi’s, you tiny dicked loser

fuckin loser, kill yourself

he doesn’t realize he is a slave to the billionaires footing his way through life just so they can get their way.

same shit is happening in Canada too. Cops full on murder indigenous people IN their stations.

a lot of assumptions in that shit sentence. are you a nazi cop? i don’t like you so you must be. It is common knowledge police forces are full of white supremacists.