i bet he’s counting his lucky stars that cheeto fried dick cheese became a worse president than him.
what do you mean by that?
in fact, they’re all in the greys right now.
what the FUCK is wrong with people? go to the doctor and get some fucking help. but i guess you’re in amerikkka and it’ll probably cost thousands just to get the right mental help
shit looks pretty intentional
tax all churches
stupid people are followers, they find someone that will tell them what to do and they do it. then they turn that ideology into their persona so when you criticize said ideas, they take it as an attack on themselves.
it’s those clouds with the faces on them, like we see in cartoons. those are the things to blame. hurricane’s aren’t real, wake up sheeple! /s
probably an 80s mustang
this bitch is queen of nothing and if i ever run into her ilk, they will be no more.
they’re only using transphobia to cover up all their other bullshit. all their lawsuits, all the pedophiles in their ranks, all the corruptness. they do it all the time, a few years ago it was muslims. when was the last time you heard muslim talk?
titties are evil to republicans! they can’t control themselves when they see a titty! they must absolutely rape that person so they can deal with the fact they saw a titty.
so what you’re saying is.... bomb Georgia, the state? I’m in.
that’s the republican way!
that’s a lot of crazy. you’re assuming a lot, still. and you still have no argument. you’re just saying a lot of nothing. my responses on other sites about how i’m concerned about the state of the world we live in, has nothing to do with this one. you answer a lot of your own questions too. i don’t know what you use…
that bus is in a lake or river right now
i’ve been breathing in smoke for about a month now.. good times.
the more i read about bill murray, the more i’m inclined to call him an asshole
i wish they would make more animes in that universe. so much to explore yet.