
you’re not offering solutions or any good takes. like i said, all you’re saying is i’m wrong and you don’t give reasons as to why. i’m saying religion is bullshit and you’re saying, “nu uh” with nothing to support it.

the fundamental structure, yes, but we have the ability to learn much more and understand much more. for a supposed scientist, that was a stupid thing to say.

your assumptions are making an ass of you. i’m saying religion is a construct of the human mind made up to rationalize the world around them. we have come far enough to know that religion is a lie, we all know it, people lie to themselves as an insulator, to feel safe. you have provided no insight. you have said i

they been using this groomer bullshit for almost 60 years, if not longer.

i’m not intellectually superior to anyone and i will be the first to say that. i’m a dumb ass.

I would say evolution does prove the non-existence of a god. we were supposedly made in their image, but there are many links on the way to us. the one’s that invented religion, because our brains got bigger and needed something to point to and say “this is why this happened” because of the lack of scientific

my meaning is the evolution of our psychi. We have “evolved” to the point where gods don’t make sense. there are billions that don’t want to come to that conclusion because it scares them. they KNOW there is no god, but it scares them to be true to themselves in acknowledging there is no god, so they stick with the

Just watched Afterlife last night, again. Hudson is my favourite GB, close second is Aykroyd. Hudson better headline the next one, his character will be the bank so he better be in it a lot.

good vs evil could be equated to ethical vs non-ethical. but then that leads to the question, what is truly ethical or non-ethical? it changes per person per living situation, as to how the brain develops to make such choices. there are “common sense” things, like murder. it’s bad in most situations, but “good” if

when you don’t have to worry about the vatican murdering you, you can say what you like. Back then, not so much.

I get what you’re saying, it can be boiled down to simplicity because it feels that simple. I know there are more than two “choices” i was agnostic and am now atheist because i don’t need that crutch. Your way of unbelieving may be different than mine, but we’re saying the same thing. There is no god, never has been,

My brother gave me that book and i still haven’t read it. I believe it’s very easy to prove a god doesn’t exist. For all that is said in a religious text, you can disprove almost all of it. There are minor instances of historical references that check out, but anything to do with a super being is pretty much bullshit

nice projection, bootlicker. keep tellin on yourself.

here’s a challenge for you, prove to me that just ONE of the over 3500 “gods” humanity has created over the course of its history, has ever been or is real.

if it can be proven, it is real. you’re comparing fictional books to religious text, same thing in my opinion. the belief is real but the thing people believe in, is not. I believe in science because science can give definitive proof about existence. you can’t prove a god exists. you can prove people are stupid enough

keep up your boot leather diet, bill. fuck amerikkka.

Oh so you’re the expert? Well, expert, instead of just attacking my beliefs, why don’t you make an effort and come up with an argument that supports your side. all you’re saying to me is “you’re wrong” and i say “prove it” and you say “you don’t know enough.” so GIVE SOME FUCKING INFORMATION or fuck off. religion

fuck america...

what the actual fuck? poor kids being used like that. florida is fucked.

more like America during the cold war