
jesus christ, america. you’re broken.

it doesn’t take muscle mass into account. as you know, muscle weighs more than fat. I’m considered obese when I could lose a max of 40 lbs.

Any of the CBB’s (Comedy Bang Bang’s) with Tatiana Maslany are too fucking funny! Had to pull over I was laughing so hard.

Once again, he had no control of where and when Olivia was going to be served.

fuck you and here’s your upvote

incels of a feather, flock together and jerk each other off

that’s not true. founding fathers didn’t want religion mixed with state matters. that’s why there was no mention of god on money then, the penny literally said MIND YOUR BUSINESS

god doesn’t exist

all religions are fairy tales. faeries on the other hand... probably real.

welp, a christian god and the devil would have to be real, for starters. if a god exists and lets everything that is happening happen, then that god is a fucking terrible god.

republicans want to rape their daughters and force them to have their incest babies

i like the option of the death penalty, i believe it shouldn’t be painless for them though. it should be public and violent. bring back the guillotine.

“In a civilized humane society, do we kill brain damaged, mentally ill, broken people?” defense attorney Melisa McNeill asked earlier this week during closing arguments. “Do we? I hope not.”

any person that abuses a child should get the chair, immediately.

you know some of these people go into health “care” specifically to do stuff like this.

it was founded on religious zealots being kicked out of their country for being too fucking crazy... and it still tracks today

if you have a cell phone, you can be tracked. If the government wanted to find you, they will. making something safer isn’t infringing on your perceived “freedumbs” unless you want the freedom to wildly and recklessly kill yourself and others.

now all jones needs is a bullet to the brain and the world will be better for it

wow, the projection in this comment is thick LOL i think you should kill yourself

i love this