
I’d rather leave it to the Irish.

they’re only been profiting from slavery and money sent from “the colonies” so fuck them.

better than what you got, which is nothing. because you are nothing.

Now playing

every time someone asks me this, i think of this.

hopefully the future Republic of Canada.

he also has incest in his bloodline

oh shit, it worked? no need to thank me.

fuck yes! i love to see it!

does this guy just sue people now?

abolish the monarchy

It is disgusting if you find the truth disgusting.

abolish the monarchy

that was a load bearing ribbon, obviously

abolish the monarchy

Shit like that should get them expelled immediately.

oh geez, i would probably look pretty good in them but please desist from telling everyone your fantasies.

well, my brother might be excited. he restored a 1969 swinger SE. that was cool af

give me yours and i’ll be on your doorstep by the weekend

69 24 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J9

he looks damn good in a tan suit