
Mankind will destroy the Earth or the nature on this giant stone called Earth to be more precise.

My dad is 57 years old and he loves Doom 3, Crysis, Prey and F.E.A.R 1&2 and he´s generally a typical dry Swedish old fart.

@Barlowe: This must be the stupidest goddamn horseshit I´ve ever read.

@RedCarmine: I´ve been smoking for the last twelve years now on a regular basis and I´ve managed to finish school with top grades, get a decent job and shave my private parts.

This one always crack me up. =)

There ain't no rest for the wicked.

@DarkSolstice: Just wanted to say that Opeth Rocks!!!! =)

@BaconXBits: Squeeze in Beard and Breasts while your at it. *thumbs up*

@Eruanno: Haha, thats creepy, sad and hilarious at the same time =)

@Spawny0908: Yes Andy Dick is horrible *shrugs*

Yaaay now everybody can see how wonderful it is with migrating hosts, crazy amounts of cheaters and little kids whos only goal in life is to yell out the words noob, camper and fag as many times they can before their balls drops...

Orthodox eyyyy?

Didn't like Easy Rider so much but I have always liked Dennis Hopper.

Nice vids =)

Looks like the girl in the red shirt is giving a long invisible man a good ol´ handy j.

@Kaminari: Oh. I thought that were her nipples :o

Hah. Get a haircut and a real job you hippie. Like cow wrestling.