The Chargers would kill for attendance like that!
The Chargers would kill for attendance like that!
All in all, an excellent celebration. Here it is from another angle.
With people being so toxic nowadays, fighting game communities don’t help nourish and develop new players. People are so standoffish and want to be in the “cool club” that the “cool club” is getting smaller and smaller.
Why? Why would you put that evil out there? Why would you bring up Charles Smith, endlessly pump faking? What the hell damn guy? Are you the Patron Saint of Shitty Memories and Horrors to Come? Your words made my eyes sad.
I cannot articulate how happy it makes me to see the Charles Smith happen to someone else
I didn’t watch, I’ve been pretty happy skipping the season so far as a Giants fan. That score was a surprise, honestly... so, they suck. So, they tank. Fine. The worst final record is 0-16, clearly. The second worst is 7-9. It’s so pointless.
I thought the alt-right already had an official greasy, orange pile of garbage that makes your stomach cramp just by looking at it
Group text:
“I fought to protect the freedoms you enjoy in this country, so you better stop fucking enjoying them!”
I look forward to frustration inducing platforming that I have just enough dexterity to overcome and buying the game multiple times because I need it on every platform.
You know, you’re absolutely right. I had this encouraging tone in my head when I wrote that post, and it came off a little harsh. I was meaning to lift the OP up, and encourage them to try anyway, even if they don’t have the know-how yet. After all, what better way to learn? If you want to do something, by golly just…
When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”
I feel for you guys—-recent years reflecting on just how spoiled we Yankees fans are (last time they absolutely stunk was like what, 1992?) almost makes me feel guilty for rooting for them to knock off teams that havent won in ages or ever.
He has that same expression when he gets a parking ticket
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
What kind of person uses both “faggot” and “hick” as insults. I feel like this guy is the center of one of America’s saddest Venn diagrams.
Gaming reached its highest point 10 years ago
It’s been the strangest thing. I was a kid during the 80s, and by the time I got my drivers license, my team had won 5 Super Bowls. NFL fan for fucking life. And when I got older, fantasy football became a not-insignificant tradition for me and my friends. The NFL had me all day Sunday, and Monday Nights were the…
I love football- much of my life in the fall is covering high school and college football- but I would be content with it dropping off the face of the Earth. Too many traumatic injuries at all levels, and most of the people in charge of the highest level are absolute scum.