Revolt Monkey

Sounds promising but I guess there's a good reason they cancelled it. Maybe to start working on Warcraft 4? Please Blizz? :)

I can't wait until people start making 'challenges' for the Oculus Rift. Things like watch this psychedelic video for five minutes without frying your brain and having a seizure.

yassssss Broad City is my favorite thing in this world

That's crazy small, I don't know how you cope! There's a 64GB card in my Vita!

In the next Zelda game. If Zelda mentions losing her father early or something, I make no promises about not crying.

The mother of all video game novels.


This isn't just a "fan game".. it's THE RWBY video game.

I made things overly complicated by archiving the original piece in a separate spot and have taken your and others' feedback about that to heart. As a result, I've now restored the original article and all of its comments. A note atop the original piece invites people to read this revised one.


I'm gay & mostly Californian— where's my two spouses and a dog? I want my HUSBAND DOG.

Very appropriate sponsorship on Univision.

Are you white? I bet you're white.

And Belgium does have good beer. You seem like you have anger issues. And some bizarre problems with civil liberties.

The controversy over this really cracks me up. What a sick society we live in where criminals get caught red handed and they get to plead "not guilty" and we have to go through a trial and they can then get off on mistrial technicalities.