
Thank god I managed to tide at least a few people over. Most people usually have their mind set after first impressions. My comment was stupid and I made a mistake, so I appreciate the understanding.

Thanks for that amazing comment. It actually shames me to say that most other people had better attempts at their backlash. Please understand that I made a mistake in what I wrote. That is all.

In my eyes, it's good to get along with everyone because they could be a potential meat shield if anything happens. :P

My comment was stupid, I know. I'd appreciate it if you could give the time to read my other responses and understand that I'm well aware of the mistakes I made. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I'm really tired of having to sort all of this backlash.

I didn't meant to be a braggart, and reading it back, I realise I sound like a pretentious ass. I've already had to explain the mistakes I've made numerous times, so I hope it'd be alright just knowing that I'm aware of my mistakes and regret them.

That's amazing advice. Very few people in this discussion have actually helped me, but some have, so I'm very grateful. It's horrible to make a mistake then be given an insane amount of backlash, having to repeat to loads of people the mistake you made. I really appreciate the fact that you've helped me regardless of

Anything I do now will have consequences in my school life though. That's 30 hours a week.

Eh, whatever suits you. To me you're just another stranger on the internet who feels they need to prove something, and I can do nothing to change that.

That was a mistake on my part. It came off as a hipster comment, but what I meant was, in the boundaries of my school, PC gaming wasn't that popular, and that meant I could do what I want away from the people I dislike. Now it's at the point of either adding these people on steam and ruining my form of escape, or not

That's an amazing response. Thanks. I guess it's a constant fear of school always catching up with me. Thanks for understanding that I made a mistake, and being fine with that.

The difference is that, on the internet, you aren't forced to be around these people 30 hours a week. That time is going to increase now that these people are picking up PC gaming. That was my worry.

Ugh. Making a mistake on the internet basically seals your fate. :c

I assume that's poorly done sarcasm. Maybe you don't remember how bad school is, and maybe you don't remember how important escape, no matter how small, can be in life. Now that escape is no longer going to be that, and that's why I'm worried.

If you want to sound like a smartass, please at least try to be civil, then I'll respect you enough to give you a proper response.

FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS. I accepted numerous times to numerous people that I've made a mistake in what I was trying to say, and people still persist. Thank you. :P

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget what school was whilst on your high horse? If you don't know, it's hell. It's ruined my life before, and I'm not trying to sound melodramatic there. I was verging on depression at one point. Through these years gaming's all that has kept me sane, and now that is being taken over by school

I have to say, I'm amazed at how one mistake can screw you over so quickly. This wasn't a desperate attempt at being a hipster, it's that my only way of escaping school is now being controlled by it.

I can't explain it any better than the fact that I hate school, and people give me hell sometimes. I'm not trying to be a hipster. Sorry for the confusion.

Do you not know what school is like? For me it's hell. Now imagine that one place you can escape the hell being FLOODED by the people you dislike. I wasn't trying to be a hipster, I was trying to express the fact that the one hobby I held dearly is going to be involved in school too.

If you're going to resort to not giving a dignified argument, I'll just direct you to my other responses.