
This will only be good if Neil Gaiman writes the screenplay.

I suppose The Counselor is a masterpiece as well? Any maybe also Kingdom of Heaven?

Hopefully the Grizzly Bear/Katy Perry collaboration is still on if else I won't have any reason to live.

I would've thought that only the librarians with DUI's should be worried about having their entrails litter the children's area after being pummeled by the smoke monster.

I'll sprinkle my Life Day meatloaf with angel dust and have a tablespread of the finest Kashyyk fur to celebrate such a momentous occasion.

Have the cast of Bunheads raid the wardrobe of Downton Abbey and they're good to go.

Coach should've brought Max with him.

3 Men and Adena is the best episode of Homicide, but the one with Steve from Blue Clues will always be my favorite.

Now I'm not feeding off you I will rearrange your scales, if I can and I can. I wish to eat each one of you and you, me, you

I've always had a soft spot for Halloween 5. Between the village militia gunning down Myers and Loomis sending all the police away, the film perfects the art of absurdity in a slasher sequel. Later perfected by Jason X. If you're going to be bad, be terrible.