Rev Les Crowley

Eh. I’m related to Lord Franklin, the failed polar explorer.

And of course the original ending for Clerks got Dante killed.

Yup. Thank God Lincoln died and the others lived, so the Radical Reconstruction happened. Otherwise the Civil War would’ve been for nothing.

Lincoln is the worst president, ever. He waged the civil war, not to end slavery, but simply to preserve the union. He planned to readmit the southern states on very easy terms, when only some extended version of the Radical Reconstruction might’ve changed things for the better.

“She sells sea shells bu the sea shore?”

And yet the New York City public school system has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other.

I’ll miss Tyler. Could we at least get the Weathervane guy back?

This is why Citizens United was the correct ruling for free speech advocates [ducks].

Many of those 1 billion members aren’t in the US. People in other countries would also like their elections tinkered with.

Unethical is not the same thing as counterproductive. Those people won’t go away. They’ll just have an additional chip on their shoulder.

How is it win-win to convince paranoid people we really are plotting against them? Sounds like the setup to Civil War II, frankly.

Which means the power must’ve been shut off. You’re only safe if you’re touching 1 wire at a time.

And you’d be wrong. The forces going through the connecting rods actually lift those wheels off the track and slam them back down. This was one of (but not the most significant) factors driving the conversion to Diesel - reduced track wear.

Clicked on the site. I’m guessing they’re the ones who sold the 18 Camaros?

You think you’re joking, but last time I was in Hobby’s Deli in scenic Newark New Jersey there was a French tour group going through.

My dad also had a Hornet Sportabout, which he switched for a BMW 2002, making 17 year old me very happy.

Agreed. Non-matching #s kills this, which is otherwise in pretty nice condition (and there can’t be too many of them). Also, if it had the 6, originally, doesn’t that mean it’s not really a Hornet “X” - ie, this is like turning a Pontiac Tempast into a “GTO?”

Er, isn’t the Camaro built in Ontario? Wasn’t the “Windsor 350" a thing?

He’s saying there are so many more Mustangs in Detroit that the idiot ones get diluted and don’t stick out quite as much as they do in Toronto.