Why? They still won’t nominate him.
Why? They still won’t nominate him.
Which is what, honestly, makes Trump so interesting - he’s the first Republican in decades to run on a platform that’s explicitly not Conservative, which is why Nation Review is up in arms about him.
The locks. My parents did spank me when I was real little, but weren’t brutal about it ;-)
In the 60s and early 70s my parents bought Ramblers because you could get them with childproof rear locks. (You raised them using the edge of your keyblade).
Federal Civil Rights charges?
It might confirm the theory OJ’s son Jason did it?
Those red marks on his face suggest a lot of booze and/or cocaine.
Yes, I’d really like a more detailed explanation, rather than “SLAPP... which protects free speech.”
“By 1975 all GM cars will be powered by Wankel Rotary engines.”
“Which, I believe, violates the terms of Ms. Harris-Perry’s contract.”
But that’s the thing - real Progressives are too smart to watch cable news. We go the library and check out back issues of Utne reader.
Dollars to donuts it’s a merkin.
Andy Kaufman faked his own death!
How much say she gets over her show is undoubtedly spelled out in her contract.
(Deleted - I accidentally repeated myself. Sorry)
In the 1992 election I received 2 write-in votes for president; neither of them mine. My unofficial campaign slogan was “President Les: IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!”
Huh? I honestly can’t remember the last time I watched cable news.
Yes, we’re exactly like Italy: we used to have a king.
Not to mention he can, in effect, buy a lesser sentence by making restitution. 10 years is pretty severe; OTOH, most men “age out” of crime, and at 55 he should, frankly, already be there.
“casually, and with plenty of time to spare” is how the person with zero fucks to give perceives it.