Rev Les Crowley

This is a bad bill, for all the obvious reasons

Nobody ever wins by playing defense, is probably how they think.

Exactly. For most of them their biggest problem is a Tea Party primary challenger.

Republicans as a whole might benefit from doing as you say, but only half a dozen face competitive elections in 2016. The other have more to fear from their right flanks. I don’t expect them to budge.

Which is why they won’t confirm anyone till there’s a Republican president.

I realize “Sullivan v New York Times” makes it impossible, but given the amount of lies in political campaigns, I wish Trump WOULD sue. Wouldn’t it be great if candidates could get legally called out on their bullshit? Wouldn’t you love it if the Birther movement had to put up or shut up?

50K miles, on a Benz model from the era when their build quality was the best in the world, for 5 grand? I’d be tempted, even though it’s far from my favorite model.

We must know a different group of fundies. But perhaps many people think the way you describe yours.

The joke doesn’t work, because anti-aborts also want sodomy laws.

Why do they need a bill? Isn’t DC an “employment at will jurisdiction?”

Maybe I just know a better class of Fundy, because the ones I know wouldn’t have a problem with this bill. (Or they’re gigantic liars ... I guess there’s no way to know for sure, without seeing their browser history and credit card receipts)

The Guardian.

The ones he met probably do. The problem is, Iran has its own counterpart to our Bible Belt, which supports the religious authorities.

Not only that, but you’ll be saving money at the grocery store, too, since modern farming is petroleum-intensive. But this wont last - Saudi Arabia can’t afford it.

I used to agree with arguments like yours.

Father and Brother In Law were both volunteer EMS workers. It really colored my view of motorcycles - although I did take the MSF course.

This is a state college, so it is in fact the government disciplining them for their speech.

Depends. Maybe the other guy was cruising the lane that was ending to bypass traffic, counting on the fact he could force-merge at the last minute.

I’m wondering if CPS will be interested in this.

All manufactured goods require energy. You won’t put off buying gas, but you might put off buying a refrigerator.