Rev Les Crowley

“there is no sign of it being used”

Can lasers be detected by current satellites? I know the beam isn’t in the visible range.

I’d go with shooting his plane down with a laser weapon, but am not sure if laser beams can be detected by satellites.

Before the separation they were a Japanese colony, so the memories will still be terrible.

Indeed. I may be crazy, but I don’t lack self-awareness. It’s also 100% true, which *Homer Simpson voice* is why it’s funny.

Don’t be too sure. My “Absinthe and Automobiles” event was a bit of a disaster.

Have seen these IRL, can confirm: photos don’t convey how low and wide and lethal-looking it is.

That’s how I saw it ... minivan dude is trying to get away.

“negro?” Say what you will about the Soviet Union, at least they were anti-racist.

Exactly. I’m not British, but I suspect UK feminists weren’t in a hurry to vote for Thatcher.

If you have severe PTSD becomes someone’s severed head landed in your lap, you may also have “enough to deal with.”

It seems rather more revealing than she perhaps intended.

Likewise. But (Devil’s advocate mode on:) I’ve also lost power; my consulting business went sideways along with my marriage. OTOH (devil’s advocate mode off, OR IS IT), I’m also on antipsychotic meds, and that coincides with my shift from to liberal.

We’ve only be studying how evolution works for a 150 years. Who’s to say it can’t happen really, really fast? (As in, super-intelligent lobsters before I get them in the pot)

Most likely I’d only be cooking for me *sad trombone* It’s ... a lot of shells. But yeah, 7lbs isn’t a crazy amount, assuming you have friends/family who like lobster. (For some reason mine don’t)

True, we’ll always have Egypt to kick around.

Estates do get sued all the time when someone offs themselves in a way that injured (including psychological injury) others. There was a case recently where the estate of someone who jumped in front of a subway train was sued.

My experience is with older stuff. Parents had a 2002 and 530i - owned and drove them for almost 30 years.

Or a lawyer with a class action.

Lobster is sometimes on sale for $3.99/lb (for smaller lobsters) so it’s theoretically affordable, but I wouldn’t have the patience to crack that many shells. Also, I’d be afraid they’d gang up on me before I got them in the pot.